2.0-beta.5 Release
This is 2.0-beta.5 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (C API) Fixed potential performance issue when using Convolution Effects with custom memory allocator callbacks.
- (C API) Fixed performance issue when calling iplGetMixedEnvironmentalAudio when no Convolution Effect objects have been created.
- (C API) Fixed occasional audio glitch in the first frame rendered using a Convolution Effect.
- (C API) Improved simulation performance in some cases by pruning ray paths based on propagation time.
- (C API) Reduced unnecessary memory allocations during audio processing.
- (C API) Fixed bug where probes could not be generated when using custom ray tracer callbacks.
- (C API) Changed the center frequencies used for material properties.
- (Unity Integration, C API) The Steam Audio DLLs no longer require the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable to be installed.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for transmission coefficients to Phonon Material.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for modeling transmission of sound through geometry, along the direct sound path. Two modes of transmission have been added: frequency-dependent and frequency-independent.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for modeling frequency-dependent air absorption along the direct sound path. This can be toggled on or off on a per-source basis.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where materials were incorrectly mapped to scene geometry.
- (Unity Integration) Reduced per frame memory overhead caused by instantiating WaitForEndOfFrame every frame.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where no sound was heard if starting a scene with Enable Reflections unchecked on a Phonon Source and Accelerated Mixing checked on the Phonon Listener.
- (Unity Integration) Changed physics-based attenuation to be off by default on a Phonon Source.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed error with GUI elements on versions of Unity older than 5.5.
- (Unity Integration) Updated documentation to clarify that the Phonon Manager component should not be added manually.