A collection of data structures for Python.
Data Structure | Description | Type |
Linked List | Linear data structure where elements, called nodes, are stored in a sequence. | Linked List Type |
Double Linked List | Linked list where each node has two references: one for the next node and one for the previous node. | Linked List Type |
Stack | Linear data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. | Stack Type |
MinMaxStack | Regular stack where you can access the min and max of the elements presents in the stack in constant time. | Stack Type |
Queue | Linear data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. | Queue Type |
MaxPriorityQueue | Data structure that maintains a collection of elements where each element has an associated priority value. | Queue Type |
MinPriorityQueue | Data structure that maintains a collection of elements where each element has an associated priority value. | Queue Type |
BinaryTree | A binary tree is nothing but a tree where each node has at maximum 2 children. | Tree Type |
BinarySearchTree | A binary tree with special properties on the node values. | Tree Type |
UnionFind | Union Find is a data structure that efficiently handles dynamic connectivity problems. | Tree Type |
Trie | Tree-like data structure used to store a dynamic set of strings. | Trie Type |
MatchTrie | Regular trie, where you can search words with matching. | Trie Type |
HashSet | Data structure that stores a collection of unique elements. | Hash Table Type |
HashMap | Data structure that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. | Hash Table Type |
MaxBinaryHeap | Data structure that provides an efficient way to retrieve the max value. | Heap Type |
MinBinaryHeap | Data structure that provides an efficient way to retrieve the min value. | Heap Type |
Cache | A simple fixed-capacity in-memory key-value store. | Cache Type |
LRUCache | Implementation of a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache with a fixed capacity. | Cache Type |
LFUCache | Implementation of a Least Frequently Used (LFU) Cache with a fixed capacity. | Cache Type |
A linked list is a linear data structure where elements, called nodes, are stored in a sequence. Each node contains two parts: the data and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. The first node is called the head, and the last node points to null, indicating the end of the list.
linked_list = LinkedList()
From a Sequence type object:
linked_list = LinkedList(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
: the head of the linked list (ListNode
: the tail of the linked list (ListNode
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
prepend |
Add a new node with the given value at the begin of the linked list. | O(1) |
append |
Add a new node with the given value at the end of the linked list. | O(1) |
insert |
Insert a new node at the index-th with the given value. | O(n) |
get |
Return the index-th node in the linked list, if the index is valid. | O(n) |
remove |
Remove the index-th node in the linked list, if the index is valid. | O(n) |
is_empty |
Return True if the linked list is empty. Otherwise, False . |
O(1) |
A doubly linked list is a more complex version of a linked list where each node has two references: one pointing to the next node and another pointing to the previous node. This bidirectional structure allows traversal in both directions (forward and backward). Like a regular linked list, the first node is the head, and the last node is the tail.
double_linked_list = DoubleLinkedList()
From a Sequence type object:
double_linked_list = DoubleLinkedList(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
: the head of the linked list (DoubleListNode
: the tail of the linked list (DoubleListNode
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
prepend |
Add a new node with the given value at the begin of the double linked list. | O(1) |
append |
Add a new node with the given value at the end of the double linked list. | O(1) |
insert |
Insert a new node at the index-th with the given value. | O(n) |
get |
Return the index-th node in the double linked list, if the index is valid. | O(n) |
remove |
Remove the index-th node in the double linked list, if the index is valid. | O(n) |
is_empty |
Return True if the double linked list is empty. Otherwise, False . |
O(1) |
A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed.
stack = Stack()
From a Sequence type object:
stack = Stack(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
pop |
Delete and return the last element added to the stack. | O(1) |
push |
Push the element value at the top of the stack. |
O(1) |
peek |
Return the last element added to the stack. | O(1) |
is_empty |
Return True if the stack is empty. Otherwise, False . |
O(1) |
A regular stack where you can access the minimum and maximum of the elements presents in the stack in constant time.
stack = MinMaxStack()
From a Sequence type object:
stack = MinMaxStack(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
pop |
Delete and return the last element added to the stack. | O(1) |
push |
Push the element value at the top of the stack. |
O(1) |
peek |
Return the last element added to the stack. | O(1) |
min |
Return the min element presents in the stack. | O(1) |
max |
Return the max element presents in the stack. | O(1) |
is_empty |
Return True if the stack is empty. Otherwise, False . |
O(1) |
A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. This means the first element added to the queue is the first one to be removed.
queue = Queue()
From a Sequence type object:
queue = Queue(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
enqueue |
Push the element value at the end of the queue. |
O(1) |
dequeue |
Delete and return the first element of the queue. | O(1) |
peek |
Return the first element of the queue. | O(1) |
is_empty |
Return True if the queue is empty. Otherwise, False . |
O(1) |
A max priority queue is a data structure that maintains a collection of elements where each element has an associated priority value. In a max priority queue, elements with higher priority values are dequeued (removed) before elements with lower priority values.
Note that in case of same priority, the FIFO principle is applied.
max_priority_queue = MaxPriorityQueue()
From a sequence of priorities and values:
max_priority_queue = MaxPriorityQueue(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
enqueue |
Add value to the queue with given priority. | O(log(n)) |
dequeue |
Remove and return highest-priority value. | O(1) |
peek |
Return highest-priority value without removing it. | O(1) |
A min priority queue is a data structure that maintains a collection of elements where each element has an associated priority value. In a min priority queue, elements with lower priority values are dequeued (removed) before elements with higher priority values.
Note that in case of same priority, the FIFO principle is applied.
min_priority_queue = MinPriorityQueue()
From a sequence of priorities and values:
min_priority_queue = MinPriorityQueue(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
enqueue |
Add value to the queue with given priority. | O(log(n)) |
dequeue |
Remove and return lowest-priority value. | O(1) |
peek |
Return lowest-priority value without removing it. | O(1) |
A tree is a data structure used to represent hierarchical relationships between elements. It consists of nodes connected by edges, and it follows a specific organization that resembles a tree in nature.
A binary tree is nothing but a tree where each node has at maximum 2 children.
binary_tree = BinaryTree()
From a Sequence type object:
binary_tree = BinaryTree(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
: the root of the tree (BinaryTreeNode
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
preorder_traversal |
Return the preorder traversal of the tree. | O(n) |
inorder_traversal |
Return the inorder traversal of the tree. | O(n) |
postorder_traversal |
Return the postorder traversal of the tree. | O(n) |
levels_traversal |
Return the level order of the tree. | O(n) |
A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a Binary Tree with the following two properties for every node:
All values in the left subtree of the node are smaller than the node's value.
All values in the right subtree of the node are greater than the node's value.
It allows efficient searching, insertion, and deletion.
binary_search_tree = BinarySearchTree()
From a Sequence type object:
binary_search_tree = BinaryTree(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
: the root of the tree (BinaryTreeNode
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
insert |
Insert a node into the binary search tree. | O(log(n)) |
delete |
Delete a node from the binary search tree. | O(log(n)) |
find |
Return the node with the given value if found else None. | O(log(n)) |
Note: All methods of the class BinaryTree
are also inherited by the class BinarySearchTree
Union Find, also known as Disjoint Set Union (DSU), is a data structure that efficiently handles dynamic connectivity problems.
- Empty:
union_find = UnionFind(CAPACITY)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
find |
Find the root representative of the given element using path compression. | O(1) |
union |
Unite the sets containing the given elements using union by rank. | O(1) |
connected |
Check if the given elements belong to the same set. | O(1) |
components |
Return the number of components. | O(1) |
A Trie (pronounced "try") is a tree-like data structure used to store a dynamic set of strings, where each node represents a single character of a string. It is especially efficient for searching words, making it useful for applications like autocomplete, spell checking, and prefix-based searches.
trie = Trie()
From a Sequence type object of strings:
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
add |
Add a word in the trie. | O(n) |
search |
Search if a word is in the trie. | O(n) |
startswith |
Search if a word in the trie start with the given prefix. | O(n) |
remove |
Remove the given word from the trie. | O(n) |
A regular trie, where you can search words with matching.
Base match character is '.'
, but you can change it with the parameter match
trie = MatchTrie()
From a Sequence type object of strings:
trie = MatchTrie(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
add |
Add a word in the match trie. | O(n) |
search |
Search if a word is in match the trie. | O(n) |
startswith |
Search if a word in the match trie start with the given prefix. | O(n) |
remove |
Remove the given word from the trie. | O(n) |
A hash set is a data structure, implemented with a hash table, that stores a collection of unique elements, offering efficient operations such as insertion, deletion, and lookup.
hash_set = HashSet()
From a Sequence type object of strings:
hash_set = HashSet(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJ)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
add |
Add an item into the HashSet. | O(1) |
remove |
Remove an item from the HashSet. | O(1) |
contains |
Check if an item is in the HashSet. | O(1) |
clear |
Clear the HashSet. | O(n) |
A hash map is a data structure that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs.
- Empty:
hash_map = HashMap()
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
get |
Get the value of the given key. | O(1) |
add |
Add an item, a couple (key, value), into the HashMap. | O(1) |
remove |
Remove a key, and the respective value, from the HashSet. | O(1) |
keys |
Retrieve the keys of the Hash Map as generator. | O(n) |
values |
Retrieve the values of the Hash Map as generator. | O(n) |
items |
Retrieve the pairs (key, value) of the Hash Map as generator. | O(n) |
clear |
Clear the HashMap. | O(n) |
A heap is a specialized binary tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property
A max binary heap is a heap data structure that takes the form of a binary tree. The largest element is always at the root of the tree.
max_heap = MaxBinaryHeap()
From a Sequence type object of strings:
max_heap = MaxBinaryHeap(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJECT)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
insert |
Insert the element value into the max heap. | O(log(n)) |
pop |
Remove and return the largest element from the heap. | O(1) |
max |
Return the largest element without removing it. | O(1) |
A max binary heap is a heap data structure that takes the form of a binary tree. The smaller element is always at the root of the tree.
min_heap = MinBinaryHeap()
From a Sequence type object of strings:
min_heap = MinBinaryHeap(SEQUENCE_TYPE_OBJECT)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
insert |
Insert the element value into the min heap. | O(log(n)) |
pop |
Remove and return the smaller element from the heap. | O(1) |
min |
Return the smaller element without removing it. | O(1) |
A cache is a temporary storage layer that holds frequently accessed data to improve performance and reduce latency. It stores data closer to the user or system, avoiding repeated retrieval from slower storage or computations.
Note: Every implemented cache strategy can also be used as a decorator. See the end of this section.
A simple fixed-capacity in-memory key-value store.
- Instantiation with given capacity (default is 1024):
cache = Cache(capacity=POSITIVE_INTEGER)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
get_capacity |
Return the capacity of the cache. | O(1) |
get_cache |
Return the cache in the order the elements were added. | O(1) |
get |
Get an element from the cache. | O(1) |
put |
Put an element into the cache if capacity is not exceeded. | O(1) |
Implementation of a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache with a fixed capacity.
- Instantiation with given capacity (default is 1024):
lru_cache = LRUCache(capacity=POSITIVE_INTEGER)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
get_capacity |
Return the capacity of the cache. | O(1) |
get_cache |
Return the cache in the order of usage. | O(1) |
get |
Get an element from the cache. | O(1) |
put |
Put an element into the cache, eventually evict least recent used element. | O(1) |
Implementation of a Least Frequently Used (LFU) Cache with a fixed capacity.
- Instantiation with given capacity (default is 1024):
lfu_cache = LFUCache(capacity=POSITIVE_INTEGER)
Method | Description | Time Complexity |
get_capacity |
Return the capacity of the cache. | O(1) |
get_cache |
Return the cache. | O(1) |
get |
Get an element from the cache. | O(1) |
put |
Put an element into the cache, eventually evict least frequently used element. | O(1) |
Every above implemented cache can also be used as a decorator. Here, a small example.
from ds import lfu_cache
def multiply(a, b):
print(f"Calculating {a} * {b}")
return a * b
print(multiply(2, 3)) # Calculating 2 * 3 -> 6
print(multiply(2, 3)) # Cache hit -> 6
print(multiply(3, 4)) # Calculating 3 * 4 -> 12
print(multiply(5, 6)) # Calculating 5 * 6 -> 30 (evicts least frequently used: 3 * 4)
print(multiply(2, 3)) # Cache hit -> 6
print(multiply(3, 4)) # Calculating 3 * 4 -> 12 (recomputed, since it was evicted)