Interesting and hopefully fun to use APIs
Code Repositories
- BreweryDB - The world's most complete database for the beer industry.
- Open Food Facts - A huge amount of data on food products from around the world.
- TacoFancy API - Making an API for TacoFancy, a taco recipe repo.
- - A free and open database of 70,000+ beers, including style and brewery information.
- Steam - Multiple API's to connect to news, users, and stats
- Riot Games - All things Riot games, because who doesn't want LoL stats
Governments & Geograpahy
- - Unlock the tremendous potential of the Federal Government’s software.
- - doesn’t just catalog raw data, it also includes APIs from across government.
- EU Open Data Portal - Access to European Union open data.
- TransLoc OpenAPI - Get live data of public transportation of cities and college campuses.
- UN Data - UNdata API provides dynamic, programmatic access to data within the UNdata platform. Developers can use the API to dynamically query UNdata to obtain the latest data and display the result on a Web page, download to local storage for further processing, etc.
- - All of our educational content about the Health Insurance Marketplace is available in machine-readable formats so that innovators, entrepreneurs, and partners can turn it into new products and services.
- Evil insult generator - Generate Insults
- Fun Translations - Have some fun with our translations. Yoda speak generator, Pirate talk generator, Pig Latin Converter and many many more...all in one simple easy to use API.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Name speaks for itself
Open Source Projects
- Gnome Developers API reference - Comprehensive API reference documentation for GNOME libraries, including GTK+.
- - Search opensource frameworks and tools.
Misc Collections
- Abstract APIs - A suite of utility API's for everyday use (validate emails, create user avatars, geolocate IP's)
- API List - A collective list of APIs.
- Big List of Public APIs - This is not a specific API, but a huge collection of them. To supplement this list.
- - Browse, Test & Connect to 1000s of Public Rest APIs on RapidAPI's API Marketplace - the world's largest API directory. Sign up today for Free!
Movies and Comics
- - a free JSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris facts.
- Final Space API - A RESTful API based on the animated series Final Space.
- Kitsu API - Kitsu is a modern anime discovery platform that helps you track the anime you're watching, discover new anime and socialize with other fans.
- Marvel Developer Portal - The Marvel Comics API allows developers everywhere to access information about Marvel's vast library of comics—from what's coming up, to 70 years ago.
- Pokemon API - All the Pokémon data you'll ever need in one place, easily accessible through a modern RESTful API.
- Rick and Morty API - The Rick and Morty API (or ShlaAPI) is a RESTful and GraphQL API based on the television show Rick and Morty.
- Simpsons Quote API - Seems to give information based on various quotes from the Simpsons.
- Star Trek API - The first public Star Trek API, accessible via REST and SOAP.
- Star Wars API - All the Star Wars data you've ever wanted!
- Superhero API - Get all SuperHeroes and Villians data from all universes under a single API.
- Spotify API - Return JSON metadata on artists, albums, and songs from the Spotify data catalog.
Products and Things
- Car Query - CarQuery API is an easy to use JSON based API for retrieving detailed car and truck information, including year, make, model, trim, and specifications.
- Yelp's API - The Yelp Fusion API allows its users to get local content and user reviews from millions of businesses of hospitality and service industries across 32 countries.
- Api.Bible - With nearly 1500 Bible versions available across over 1000 languages, API.Bible offers the largest collection of Bibles available.
- Have I been pwned - The API allows the list of pwned accounts (email addresses and usernames) to be quickly searched via a RESTful service.
- NIST - National Vulnerability Database.
- Shodan - Introducing the Shodan API, the easiest way to access the Shodan search engine on your own terms.
Science & Math
- International Space Station Location - The International Space Station is moving at close to 28,000 km/h so its location changes really fast! Where is it right now?
- Nasa APIs - The objective of this site is to make NASA data, including imagery, eminently accessible to application developers.
- National Weather Service- The National Weather Service (NWS) API allows developers access to critrical forecasts, alerts, and observations, along with other weather data.
- Numbers API - Want to learn interesting facts about numbers?
- Open Science Framework - With this API you can access users, projects, components, logs, and files from the Open Science Framework.
- Weather API - With our Weather API you can retrieve current weather observations from over 45,000 live weather stations, historical weather data for the past 10 years from our archive of more than 120,000 stations, and highly localized weather forecasts for any point on the globe using the world's most trusted weather models!
- Wolfram Alpha - Computational math hub
Social Media
- NBA Stats - The destination for current and historic NBA statistics.
Web Apps