The Safeguard API is the backend core of the Safeguard ecosystem, enabling secure storage, organization, and access to passwords, PINs, and sensitive data. Built for reliability and scalability, it supports user authentication, data synchronization, and seamless integration with frontend interfaces. The API ensures robust functionality while maintaining secure storage practices, powering the Safeguard app's user-friendly experience.
┌── App
│ ├── App.csproj
│ ├── appsettings.Development.json
│ ├── appsettings.json
│ ├── Configuration
│ ├── Controllers
│ ├── Db
│ ├── Extensions
│ ├── Ioc
│ ├── Program.cs
│ └── Properties
├── Application
│ ├── Application.csproj
│ ├── Configuration
│ ├── Dtos
│ └── Services
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── Domain
│ ├── Domain.csproj
│ ├── Interfaces
│ └── Entities
├── Infrastructure
│ ├── Context
│ ├── Infrastructure.csproj
│ ├── Migrations
│ └── Repositories
├── Safeguard.sln
└── Test
├── Test.csproj
└── Usings.cs
Before getting started with , ensure your runtime environment meets the following requirements:
.NET SDK 6.0:
Install using one of the following methods:
Build from source:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the project dependencies:
dotnet restore
Go to the app folder:
cd app
Run using the following command:
dotnet run
Build application image:
docker build -t safeguard-backend .
Run image:
docker run -it safeguard-backend
Run the test suite using the following command:
Using nuget
dotnet test