Code examples for Vilnius JS meetup, November 20, 2012
Async feels hard. It is only natural to want things to look-and-feel sync(ish).
When building UI, on rarely goes into deeply nested callbacks - interactions usually result in one "response".
When building in node, programs need to gather data from multiple data sources and combine it.
- You need proper error handling
- You need to load data in a sequence
- You need to load data in parallel
- You need to share loaded data
- Each event can happen multiple times with multiple values
- A promise gets fulfilled (resolved or rejected) exactly once
- Event's are not "replayed" to subscribers
- Once a promise is fulfilled - every subscriber will get exactly the same value/reason.
In computer science, future, promise, and delay refer to bla bla synchronizing bla bla object bla bla proxy bla bla.
[In JavaScript science] A promise represents the eventual value returned from the single completion of an operation.
[In non-scientific daily life] A promise has a .then(), which takes subscribers and calls them when it is resolved/rejected.
- .then()s can be chained and pass on then values/promises from their subscribers.
- always ALWAYS call done() // FKA end()
- execution order guarantees
- callback is always async
- chained callbacks always in order
- see:
- execution order gotchas
- when you have multiple subscribers, they are executed breadth-first
- fail/fin/then/spread/etc in Q are all really just a fancy then()
- not all promises are created equal
- value and state should not change once fulfilled
- chain-ability is key
- see:
Love it.