A JAVA Client Library for accessing the VisualVault REST API using simplified HTTPS calls.
Java 11 or greater.
To add functionality, clone this repository and generate an updated jar file for use within your project.
jar cvf java-rest-client-library.jar src/main/java/com/visualvault/api/*
This is a Maven Project created with the VS Code Java Extensions which includes integrated Maven support.
After installing the VS Code Java Extensions, open the file Examples/VisualVaultTests.java and click the debug link above the Main function.
- Reference java-rest-client-library.jar
Not all VisualVault API endpoints are demonstrated in the examples. See http://developer.visualvault.com/ for a complete list of API endpoints
Please contact [email protected] if you need addtional examples
For more information on any of the endpoints, datatypes, or anything referring to the REST API please refer to the HTTP API section @ https://docs.visualvault.com/