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A modern C++ high-performance asynchronous stream processing and concurrency toolkit

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C++ Async Toolkit

A modern C++ high-performance asynchronous stream processing and concurrency toolkit that provides a rich set of concurrent programming tools and abstractions.


  • 💪 High-performance async task processor
  • 🔄 Stream processing with chainable API
  • 🎯 Thread pool and task scheduler
  • 🚀 Lock-free data structures
  • 📦 Async Future/Promise implementation
  • 🛠 Concurrency toolkit
  • 🎭 Coroutine support
  • ⚡ Zero-copy design
  • 🔒 RAII resource management
  • 📊 Task dependency graph
  • ⏰ Priority scheduling
  • 🎯 Task cancellation support


1. Lock-free Data Structures

#include <async_toolkit/lockfree/queue.hpp>

async_toolkit::lockfree::Queue<int> queue;
auto value = queue.pop(); // std::optional<int>

2. Coroutine Support

#include <async_toolkit/coroutine/task.hpp>

async_toolkit::coroutine::Task<int> async_task() {
    co_return 42;

auto task = async_task();
int result = task.get(); // 42

3. Priority Scheduler

#include <async_toolkit/scheduler/priority_scheduler.hpp>

async_toolkit::scheduler::PriorityScheduler scheduler;
auto task_id = scheduler.schedule([]{ std::cout << "High priority task\n"; }, 10);
scheduler.schedule_after([]{ std::cout << "Delayed task\n"; }, 
scheduler.cancel(task_id); // Cancel task

4. Task Dependency Graph

#include <async_toolkit/graph/task_graph.hpp>

auto graph = async_toolkit::graph::make_task_graph<int>();
auto task1 = graph->add_task([]{ return 1; });
auto task2 = graph->add_task([]{ return 2; });
auto task3 = graph->add_task([]{ return 3; });

graph->add_dependency(task3, task1); // task3 depends on task1
graph->add_dependency(task3, task2); // task3 depends on task2

async_toolkit::TaskPool pool;
auto results = graph->execute(pool); // [1, 2, 3]

5. High-Performance Memory Pool

#include <async_toolkit/memory/memory_pool.hpp>

// Create memory pool
async_toolkit::memory::MemoryPool<MyClass> pool;

// Allocate object
auto ptr = pool.allocate(arg1, arg2);

// Use RAII for memory management
auto smart_ptr = async_toolkit::memory::PoolPtr<MyClass>::make(pool, arg1, arg2);

6. High-Performance Memory Allocator

#include <async_toolkit/memory/allocator.hpp>

// Use global allocator
void* ptr = async_toolkit::memory::Allocator::instance().allocate(1024);
async_toolkit::memory::Allocator::instance().deallocate(ptr, 1024);

// Use STL allocator wrapper
std::vector<int, async_toolkit::memory::StlAllocator<int>> vec;

// Get memory usage statistics
auto stats = async_toolkit::memory::Allocator::instance().get_stats();
std::cout << "Total allocations: " << stats.total_allocations << "\n"
          << "Active allocations: " << stats.active_allocations << "\n"
          << "Allocated bytes: " << stats.allocated_bytes << "\n"
          << "Freed bytes: " << stats.freed_bytes << "\n";

// Trigger memory defragmentation

7. Coroutine Scheduler

The Coroutine Scheduler provides efficient scheduling and management of C++20 coroutines. It supports features like:

  • Cooperative multitasking
  • Priority-based coroutine scheduling
  • Coroutine synchronization primitives
  • Automatic stack management
  • Integration with the event loop

8. High-Performance RPC Framework

The RPC Framework offers:

  • High-performance client-server communication
  • Automatic serialization/deserialization
  • Load balancing
  • Service discovery
  • Connection pooling
  • Request timeout and retry mechanisms
  • Bi-directional streaming support
  • Protocol buffer integration

9. Pipeline

#include <async_toolkit/task_pool.hpp>
#include <async_toolkit/pipeline.hpp>

// Create task pool
async_toolkit::TaskPool pool(4); // 4 worker threads

// Create processing pipeline
auto pipeline = async_toolkit::Pipeline::create()
    .then([](int x) { return x * 2; })
    .then([](int x) { return std::to_string(x); })
    .then([](std::string x) { return "Result: " + x; });

// Submit task
auto future = pool.submit(42, pipeline);
auto result = future.get(); // "Result: 84"

10. SIMD Vectorization

The SIMD module provides:

  • Vectorized operations for common algorithms
  • SIMD-aware memory allocator
  • Platform-specific optimizations
  • Automatic fallback for unsupported architectures
  • Template library for vector operations

11. High-Performance Channels

#include <async_toolkit/channel/mpmc_channel.hpp>

// Create multi-producer multi-consumer channel with capacity 1024
async_toolkit::channel::MPMCChannel<std::string> channel(1024);

// Send message
channel.try_send("Hello", std::chrono::milliseconds(100));

// Receive message
auto msg = channel.try_receive(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));

12. Lock-free Skip List

#include <async_toolkit/lockfree/skiplist.hpp>

// Create skip list
async_toolkit::lockfree::SkipList<int, std::string> list;

// Insert data
list.insert(1, "one");
list.insert(2, "two");

// Find data
auto value = list.find(1); // std::optional<std::string>

13. Actor System

#include <async_toolkit/actor/actor.hpp>

// Define an Actor
class MyActor : public async_toolkit::actor::Actor {
    MyActor() {
        register_handler<std::string>([this](const std::string& msg, ActorRef sender) {
            std::cout << "Received: " << msg << std::endl;

// Create Actor system
async_toolkit::actor::ActorSystem system;
auto actor = system.spawn_actor<MyActor>();

// Send message
actor->tell("Hello, Actor!");

14. Event Loop

#include <async_toolkit/reactor/event_loop.hpp>

// Create event loop
async_toolkit::reactor::EventLoop loop;

// Create TCP server
async_toolkit::net::TcpServer server(&loop, "", 8080);

// Register connection callback
server.set_connection_callback([](auto fd) {
    std::cout << "New connection\n";

// Register timer
loop.run_after(std::chrono::seconds(5), []() {
    std::cout << "Timer triggered\n";

// Start event loop;

15. Work-Stealing Scheduler

#include <async_toolkit/scheduler/work_stealing_scheduler.hpp>

// Create scheduler
async_toolkit::scheduler::WorkStealingScheduler scheduler(4); // 4 worker threads

// Submit single task
scheduler.submit([]{ std::cout << "Task executed\n"; });

// Submit task with priority
    []{ std::cout << "High priority task\n"; }, 

// Submit batch of tasks
std::vector<std::function<void()>> tasks = {
    []{ std::cout << "Task 1\n"; },
    []{ std::cout << "Task 2\n"; },
    []{ std::cout << "Task 3\n"; }
scheduler.submit_batch(tasks.begin(), tasks.end());

16. Lock-free B+ Tree

#include <async_toolkit/lockfree/bptree.hpp>

// Create B+ tree instance
async_toolkit::lockfree::BPlusTree<int, std::string> tree;

// Insert key-value pair
tree.insert(1, "one");
tree.insert(2, "two");
tree.insert(3, "three");

// Find value
auto value = tree.find(2);  // Returns "two"

// Range query
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> result;
tree.range_query(1, 3, std::back_inserter(result));

// Remove key-value pair

17. Asynchronous Logging System

#include <async_toolkit/logging/async_logger.hpp>

// Initialize logging system
async_toolkit::logging::init_logging("logs", "myapp");

// Use logging macros for different log levels
LOG_TRACE("Starting application...");
LOG_DEBUG("Debug information: {}", debug_info);
LOG_INFO("Processing file: {}", filename);
LOG_WARN("Resource usage high: {}%", usage);
LOG_ERROR("Failed to open file: {}", error);
LOG_FATAL("System crash: {}", crash_reason);

// Flush logs before program exit


  • C++20 compatible compiler
  • CMake 3.14 or higher
  • Supported compilers:
    • GCC 10+
    • Clang 10+
    • MSVC 2019+


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


MIT License


A modern C++ high-performance asynchronous stream processing and concurrency toolkit






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