Share links and text from your desktop Chrome browser to your Android devices.
Download the extension from the Chrome Web Store, install the Android app from the Play Store and pair your devices following the in-app instructions.
To share a link, right-click on it, select "WhatsHare" from the context menu, and then "Share link" or "Share link on Whatsapp". You will receive a notification on your Android device. If you choose the Whatsapp entry, you're greeted with Whatsapp's Chats page; otherwise, you will need to choose the app that should manage the incoming link/text from a dialog (if it's a link, you will get a list of browsers, if it's text, you will get all your social apps like Facebook, Gmail, Evernote, Hangouts, etc.).
To share text, select it and right click on it.
To share a link to the page that you're currently viewing, right-click anywhere on the page (but not on a link or image).
All code is released under the GPLv3.