] (https://waffle.io/evancohen/smart-mirror) [
] (https://github.com/evancohen/smart-mirror/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Asuggestion)
Check out the smart mirror documentation for installation instructions and troubleshooting.
A live chat to get help and discuss mirror related issues: https://gitter.im/evancohen/smart-mirror. Usually there are a few folks hanging around in the lobby, but if there arent you are probubly better off filing an issue.
See the dev branch for features that are curently in development. If you would like to contribue please follow the contribution guidelines. To launch the mirror with a debug window attached use the following command:
npm start dev
For more information see the Development and Contributing section of the documentation.
For known issues and trobleshooting see the documentation: Troubleshooting
Favicon from In the Wake of the King, a head nod to The Watcher – "A byblow of the king and a queen of the sea, she has remained apart from the workings of her family, more home beneath the waves, watching all through water and mirror. Her ambitions lie outside the Eternal Kingdom, but her secrets are valuable everywhere."