6.2.13 (2022-12-26)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- AutoSell Defaults update
- Add tag option builder for new SUIHealth & SUIPower tag
- castbar
- Minimap: set Instance Difficulty position
- health tag updates
- Position Mail icon
- hidezero tweak
- auto sell order organize
- autosell simplification
- 1st pass Autosell cleanup
- ANOTHER castbar tweak
- player power hidezero
- Add hideZero option
- new health function: fix legacy formatted tag
- New health and power text formatting options
- move this code, still seeing issues with it being reenabled
- Autosell: ensure pets that get odd categories dont get sold
- Yet Another Portrait Tweak
- Pet Defaults
- player castbar reset
- 🧹 Bulk run of stylua on all code
- Add stylua
- boss frame health display changes
- Raid frame defaults changes
- RaidTargetIcon defaults changed
- conditional hp% display change
- health:missing-formatted - display nothing at full and DEAD when dead.
- More changes to the zone ability button