Releases: XENONnT/outsource
Releases · XENONnT/outsource
What's Changed
- add timestamp to workflow by @rsriya in #192
- Transfer data to local after processing by @dachengx in #194
- Download log of jobs by @dachengx in #196
- Untar outpus if transferred to local by @dachengx in #197
- Check if there is no crucial user installed package by @dachengx in #198
- Upload miscellaneous information to DB by @dachengx in #199
- Ignore processed data while processing by @dachengx in #200
- Download
from onlyraw_records_rse
by @dachengx in #201 - Use dependency tree for instruction of processing by @dachengx in #202
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #204
- Limit the number CPU usage of JAX and TensorFlow by @dachengx in #209
- Optimize the order of data_types in processing by @dachengx in #210
- Clearly list the
to process when submitting job by @dachengx in #211 - If self-installed package, do not upload to rucio by @dachengx in #212
- Set environmental variable of CPUs usage for all jobs by @dachengx in #213
- Still need local sites even if do not transfer to local by @dachengx in #214
- Set defualt
to be 5000 by @dachengx in #215 - Fix $lte for single run by @shenyangshi in #217
- Ask reporter to include the
section ofXENON_CONFIG
by @dachengx in #222 - Forbid using development container by @dachengx in #221
- No per-chunk processing of MV by @dachengx in #223
- Force renew
before workflow submission by @dachengx in #224 - Limit the filename in 255 characters by @dachengx in #226
- Allow staging-out lower
and keeping downloadedraw_records*
by @dachengx in #228 - Decide whether the dependency exists based on specified RSE by @dachengx in #229
- Add script to test the resources usage: memory, time, storage by @dachengx in #230
- Automatically assign resources by @dachengx in #231
- Fix bug when multiple json files exists by @dachengx in #232
- Keep the folder being tarred by @dachengx in #233
- Stage out lower, combine or upper level outputs by @dachengx in #234
- List a directory in DAV by @dachengx in #235
- FIx bug that non-LED
is not filtered out in LED mode by @dachengx in #236 - Assign the resources usage of LED calibration by @dachengx in #237
- Allow multiple
RSEs by @dachengx in #238 - Set same requirements for lower level and combine jobs by @dachengx in #239
- Only extract input and output folders by @dachengx in #240
- Prioritize the first assign RSE by @dachengx in #241
- Allow multiple per-chunk processing by @dachengx in #242
- Small updates and fixes by @cfuselli in #244
- Change logic for EU sites by @cfuselli in #245
- Print locations of
by @dachengx in #243 - Lower memory usage of lower level processing by @dachengx in #246
- Revert part of #244 and #245 by @dachengx in #247
- Set special memory usage for LED calibration runs by @dachengx in #249
- Add constraint for
by @dachengx in #250 - Set lowest disk requirement as 200MB by @dachengx in #251
- Update memory usage of upper level jobs by @dachengx in #252
- Save lineage of data_types in
by @dachengx in #253 - Copy
to avoid its change after the job submission by @dachengx in #254 - Remove "download" jobs because they are not used by @dachengx in #255
- Add option to first stage the rucio files then download by @dachengx in #256
- Piecewise function for NV disk usage by @dachengx in #257
- Add suffix of combine and untar jobs by @dachengx in #258
- Piecewise function for NV disk usage again by @dachengx in #259
- Update memory usage of NV data by @dachengx in #260
- Copy local files to workflow folder to avoid overwritten by @dachengx in #261
- First
retries will use the same resources by @dachengx in #262 - Bump version: 0.4.0 → 0.4.1 by @dachengx in #263
New Contributors
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #204
- @shenyangshi made their first contribution in #217
- @cfuselli made their first contribution in #244
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
What's Changed
- Testing single thread processor by @FaroutYLq in #163
- Remove CNAF from glidein site specificiation by @FaroutYLq in #164
- Reduce transfer thread and one more core in event level jobs by @FaroutYLq in #165
- fixed typo by @rsriya in #167
- No longer need production if you don't even try to upload to rucio by @FaroutYLq in #168
- Proposal to use pre-commit for continuous integration by @dachengx in #170
- Use environmental variable to pass the proxy by @dachengx in #171
- First restructure, make it more compatible with strax(en) by @dachengx in #172
- Move
to utilix, move all RSE related codes
by @dachengx in #173 - Configuration of disk should be in MB by @dachengx in #174
- Tarball strax(en) and cutax for later user installation by @dachengx in #175
- Move around
by @dachengx in #176 - Remove unused python files by @dachengx in #177
- Apply per-chunk storage by @dachengx in #178
- Add more options for job submission by @dachengx in #179
- Move extraction of
to utils by @dachengx in #180 - Use
to install outsource by @dachengx in #181 - Bump version of utilix by @dachengx in #182
- Upload outousrce to pypi by @dachengx in #190
- Bump to v0.4.0 by @dachengx in #191
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
Final status for SR1 processing.
What's Changed
- Given up afterpulses computation but doesn't hurt to merge by @FaroutYLq in #135
- Removed attach process by @FaroutYLq in #136
- Enable
computation by @FaroutYLq in #138 - Debug when cuts_basic fail by @FaroutYLq in #139
- Try requiring AVX2 only by @FaroutYLq in #140
- echo Rundb api accessibility by @FaroutYLq in #141
- Avoid regeneration of
on job node by @FaroutYLq in #144 - Debug combine wrapper by @FaroutYLq in #146
- Changed default to development by @FaroutYLq in #149
- Remove event_info re-registering by @FaroutYLq in #153
- Removed outdated cuts removal by @FaroutYLq in #154
- Retire grid proxy info by @FaroutYLq in #155
- Removed outdated plugin unregister by @FaroutYLq in #156
- Put back x509 proxy check by @FaroutYLq in #157
- Improved logging when using gfal2 by @rynge in #159
- Temporary bypassing integrity check in pegasus by @FaroutYLq in #158
- Adding more types for tar balling outputs by @FaroutYLq in #160
- No more local output by @FaroutYLq in #161
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
Stable version for SR1 reprocessing for v14 correction.
What's Changed
- Update by @FaroutYLq in #116
- Update by @FaroutYLq in #117
- Debug info for mismatch between chunks and metadata by @FaroutYLq in #115
- Not to updatedb if upload failed by @FaroutYLq in #119
- Added peak_basics into to-check in RunDB by @FaroutYLq in #120
- Debug missing comma in RunConfig by @FaroutYLq in #122
- Trying to add
into to-process list by @FaroutYLq in #123 - Revisit check chunk n by @FaroutYLq in #124
- No records or records_nv to upload in rucio by @FaroutYLq in #125
- Save
and changing order by @FaroutYLq in #127 - Added output for events jobs by @FaroutYLq in #129
- Preupload to avoid rucio orphan files by @FaroutYLq in #133
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.0
Stable version for SR1 reprocessing for v13 correction.
What's Changed
- first commit of log_digest executable by @cecilia-ferrari in #91
- Improved usage of
by @FaroutYLq in #94 - Debug
by @FaroutYLq in #95 - Moveing to davs for staging by @rynge in #96
- More debug info before rucio attach by @FaroutYLq in #97
- Bug fix for staging by @FaroutYLq in #98
- Added event_ambience and event_shadow by @FaroutYLq in #99
- Debug dids_to_attach by @FaroutYLq in #101
- Adjustments: set output site to enable proper cleanup, exclude the Da… by @rynge in #100
- Removed hardcode Dakota by @FaroutYLq in #102
- removed s1_cnn temporarily by @FaroutYLq in #103
- Shadow and ambience as a new type by @FaroutYLq in #104
- put s1_cnn back by @FaroutYLq in #105
- imposed
also inrunstrax
by @FaroutYLq in #107 - More maxidle by @FaroutYLq in #108
- Added requirements for open firewall to the ports we need by @rynge in #109
- Timing info for admix.upload by @FaroutYLq in #111
- Prioritize heavy low level types in runstrax by @FaroutYLq in #113
- Forbid multi-threading by @FaroutYLq in #114
New Contributors
- @cecilia-ferrari made their first contribution in #91
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.2
This release is the first working version of outsource. It converts the xenon1t workflow into a Pegasus framework, apart from a few minor things related to the runDB control.