An Alogithm Visualization tool for the graph algorithms.
- Registration
- Login
- Search & Select the locations you interested in
- Select an algorithm and right click the vertex of the abstract graph to select special vertex(e.g. starting vertex)
- Left click the
) button, and watch the demonstration. - Answer questions during the demonstration, use control panel to adjust it
- Use the
function to review your learning history - Contact me if you have questions. [e-mail: [email protected]]
- Remembering
- Help users recognize specific concepts in the graph algorithm by showing tips and pseudocodes.
- Understanding
- Help users understand the general principle behind a graph algorithm, like the meanning of the iteration operations of a graph algorithm, and explain how it works using words and figures.
- Enable users to test that the implementation of algorithms
- Application
- Enable users to implement the graph algorithms for some specific application.
- Analysis
- Help users understands the relation of the algorithm with other algorithms that can solve the same or related problems by exeuting different algorithms and demonstrate them in a unified UI
- Simultaneously display the pseudo code and the analysis of the current step while demonstrating the algorithm
- Demonstrate the algorithm step by step.
Note 要点:
- backEnd自身就是完整的工程,每次把frontEnd编译后放置在backEnd的Public里面作为资源被调用。
- 需要使用3001端口,每次运行结束后记得用ctrl+c关闭程序以释放。不可以直接关exe。
- 编译产生的build文件夹里有index.html,将其转换为pug格式后,需要修改目录“static为/build/static”
使用说明: 进入backEnd后在控制台运行 node ./bin/www
编译说明: 进入frontEnd后,运行npm run-script build 进入build后,将index.html变为pug格式,复制到backEnd的viewers内的interface.pug里,覆盖删除按钮以外的部分。注意修改目录,添加'build'在三处 复制build到backEnd的public里面。
- 端口被占用会报错,利用lsof查询占用的进程并kill
- mysql链接数太多会报错,需要注销当前系统
- 不修改目录会报错,说找不到static文件夹
未解决的问题: 放到服务器后,在选好开始和结束点,运行动画时,在GraphSVG.js的对应部分报错“提交出错”。 原因是浏览器的安全设置,没能把我们选择的起止点数据反馈到服务器端。