This Galaxy tool permits to prepare your files to be ready for Assembly Hub visualization.
Into a publicly accessible Galaxy (Linux for maximum tools compatibility), you will be able to use UCSC Genome Browser fonctionality to see your tracks.
- Create a structure for your tracks, and convert them to more efficient datatypes (e.g Bed => BigBed)
- Benefits from Galaxy strong features as well as UCSC Genome Browser's ones without the hassle to move your data from one to another
- Download and store, as a zip file, your tracks structured for UCSC TrackHub use
- Create workflows within Galaxy to automatize pipeline analysis and get them ready to visualization inside UCSC Genome a few clicks!
At the moment, Supported datatypes are:
- Bam
- Bed (Generic and Simple Repeats)
- BigWig
- Gff3
- Gtf
- Psl
- You would need to add this tool into your Galaxy.
- (strongly preferred) ToolShed Installation: Tool is in toolshed
- OR Local Installation: See
- The tool can be used with or without Conda (activate it in your galaxy.ini)
- If installed without TS (by downloading on GitHub), you need to have all the binaries accessible within Galaxy. You can use the script install_linux_binaries with a linux x86-64 (64bits)
- Install the UCSC Track Hub datatype:
- Easy => Use Galaxy 16.07 or latest to directly have Track Hub Datatype (See this Galaxy Pull Request for more information)
- OR Look into trackHub README for more information or if you want to use Galaxy < 16.07
- bedToBigBed
- faToTwoBit
- genePredToBed
- genePredToBigGenePred
- gff3ToGenePred
- gtfToGenePred
- pslToBigPsl
- samtools
- sort
- twoBitInfo
in tool_dependencies.xml for an up-to-date used binaries list
See for more information
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
If you are having issues, please let us know.
For more information about how to use G-OnRamp:
- Wilson Leung - Product owner and developer
- Yating Liu - Community manager and Developer
- Remi Marenco - Main developer and Scrum Master
For more information about the project vision, or for partneship:
- Elgin, Sarah - PI
- Jeremy Goecks - PI
The project is licensed under the Academic Free License 3.0. See LICENSE.txt.