BexJobs is a user-friendly job search management tool designed to help you keep track of all your job applications in one place.
BexJobs includes the following features:
- Create, view, edit, and delete jobs
- Add jobs to your dashboard
- Visualize job statistics in a graph
- Easily view and update the status of your applications
To use BexJobs, you need to first create an account. Once you have created the account, you can log in and start using the system. You will be prompted on initial open to test app if you just want to take a tour - you get auto-logged in and will have to create an actual account after logging out.
You can then add jobs to your dashboard by entering the job title, company, location, job type(defaults to remote), and application status(defaults to pending).
To track the status of your applications, you can view the list of jobs that you have added to your dashboard. You can also see the status of each application, such as "pending", "interview", or "declined".
To install BexJobs, you will need to follow these steps:
- Clone, fork or download repo:
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
orpnpm install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
oryarn dev
orpnpm dev
Made with ❤️ by GyBex