E-Market with login and registration of users, with maintenance of posts and categories, developed in MVC .Net 5 and for the data persistence SQL server.
- Onion Architecture
- Handling of Entity Framework Code First
- File uploading for publications
- Searches can be performed by product name
- Products can be filtered by product category
- C# Asp.Net Core
- Entity Framework
- SQL Server
- Auto Mapper
- Bootstrap 5
- Clone this repo.
- Open E-Market.sln in Visual Studio.
- Set E-Market as startup project to run web app.
- The database is remote.
But if you want to add to local database you need to open the file called "appsettings.json" and put the name of your server or computer where applicable, example:
When you are in the nuget package console type the following command:
- Start the project.
- Login
- Home
- Maintenance of advertisements
- Yeferson Rubio -> Github