Simple clean code architecture application based on Python. Application split on different layers as classic Onion structure describes.
Since .env
files are not committed, expects that the following format for that file is gonna be used:
ENV="development" // environment
PORT=5000 // used port
NAME="python-onion-scaffold" // project name
POSTGRESQL_URL="postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" // database
I also believe, that python
installed on your computer with version 3.8+
Since, I use postgres
, please ensure that it is installed as well. Basic setup with public
schema should be more that enough.
You have to be sure that Docker is installed and running on your local machine. The following command will build and run an image:
$ docker build -t python-onion-scaffold:latest .
$ docker run \
--name=python-onion-scaffold \
--volume=$(pwd)/config/.env:/usr/src/app/config/.env \
-d \
Meanwhile, if you are going to use docker-compose, please consider the following script:
version: '3'
image: 'python-onion-scaffold:latest'
- ./config/.env
- PORT="${PORT}"
Public API layer which is responsible for the client client interactions. Ideally that layer only validates request and follows response contracts, however, it also makes a decision what service should resolve a request. Contracts between API and Service are defined in Core.
Internal layer which is visible across all the application layers. Is responsible for contract between layers or inside the layers.
Beware! Implementation is not a part of this layer!
- domain entity interfaces (between layers interfaces)
- data access interfaces (interfaces for domain entity repositories)
- business logic interfaces (interface between service layer interactors)
Business logic is here, as simple as that :)
Dirty work layer. Is responsible for data access, meanwhile also defines some common infrastructure utilities (DI, logger, config, etc)