This repository is a Python implementation of the DriverNet algorithm.
DriverNet uses an easy-to-understand greedy searching algorithm to prioritize cancer drivers. Here is the paper.
Bashashati A, Haffari G, Ding J, Ha G, Lui K, Rosner J, Huntsman DG, Caldas C, Aparicio SA, Shah SP. 2012. DriverNet: uncovering the impact of somatic driver mutations on transcriptional networks in cancer. Genome Biology. 13:R124. doi:10.1186/gb-2012-13-12-r124.
I like this idea. It is elegant and effective.
To better understand it, I decided to write a Python version in case I would use this algorithm in other projects.
Also, in reading DriverNet
paper and its R code. I found that the R implementation of DriverNet
has some pitfalls:
In "finding drivers" step, mutated gene candidates were updated by genes already covered by genes selected (
line 72
). This was not mentioned in the paper. I did not know why. -
In "significance test" step, the patient-outlier matrix and patient-mutation matrix were shuffled only by gene names (
line 35-38
), which would keep the number of outliers and mutated genes of each patient unchanged. This is different from the way described in the paper. I think the perturbation described in the paper may be more reasonable. -
In "significance test" step, the random patient-outlier matrix and random patient-mutation matrix before running
were preprocessed by a different way as that used in "finding drivers". I did not know why. -
In "significance test" step,
does not use Benjamini-Hochberg approach to correct p-values as stated in the paper.
In addition, DriverNetPy
extends the original R version of DriverNet by:
- using network permutation scheme as default.
- adding parallelization support to run the permutation test faster.
imports the following packages.
git clone [email protected]:YiweiNiu/DriverNetPy.git
cd DriverNetPy
The program can be provoked by
$ Python DriverNetPy/ -h
python [-h] <-n network file> <-m mutation file> <-e expression outlier file> [-p permutation_time] [-t threads] [-o output prefix]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n , --network Path to gene-gene interaction network. (default: None)
-m , --mutation Path to sample-mutation file. (default: None)
-e , --expression Path to sample-expression file. (default: None)
-p , --permutation Permutation times. (default: 500)
-pg, --not-purturbGraph
Not permutation graphs. (default: False)
-pd, --purturbData Permutation data. (default: False)
-t , --threads Number of CPUs used when permutation. Using all CPUs
by default. (default: None)
-o , --output Output prefix. (default: DriverNetPy_res)
A Python implementation of DriverNet. See for details.
Export sample data from the DriverNet
R package. These files can be found under the test
# export sample data
write.table(sampleInfluenceGraph, file = 'sampleInfluenceGraph.txt', sep=',', quote = F)
write.table(samplePatientMutationMatrix, file = 'samplePatientMutationMatrix.txt', sep=',', quote = F)
write.table(samplePatientOutlierMatrix, file = 'samplePatientOutlierMatrix.txt', sep=',', quote = F)
# run DriverNet
driversList = computeDrivers(samplePatientMutationMatrix, samplePatientOutlierMatrix,
sampleInfluenceGraph, outputFolder=NULL, printToConsole=FALSE)
randomDriversResult = computeRandomizedResult(patMutMatrix=samplePatientMutationMatrix,
geneNameList= sampleGeneNames, outputFolder=NULL,
printToConsole=FALSE, numberOfRandomTests=20,
weight=FALSE, purturbGraph=FALSE, purturbData=TRUE)
res = resultSummary(driversList, randomDriversResult,
samplePatientMutationMatrix, sampleInfluenceGraph,
outputFolder=NULL, printToConsole=FALSE)
write.table(res, file='DriverNet_res.txt', quote=F, sep='\t')
Run DriverNetPy
using the example data.
$ cd test
$ python ../DriverNetPy/ -n sampleInfluenceGraph.txt -m samplePatientMutationMatrix.txt -e samplePatientOutlierMatrix.txt
2019-05-15 16:45:13,177 - __main__ - INFO - Start running.
2019-05-15 16:45:13,177 - __main__ - INFO - Parameters: ../DriverNetPy/ -n sampleInfluenceGraph.txt -m samplePatientMutationMatrix.txt -e samplePatientOutlierMatrix.txt
2019-05-15 16:45:13,799 - preprocess - INFO - Reading gene-gene interacions done.
2019-05-15 16:45:15,513 - preprocess - INFO - Reading sample-gene expression outliers done.
2019-05-15 16:45:16,410 - preprocess - INFO - Reading sample-gene mutation done.
2019-05-15 16:45:16,455 - preprocess - INFO - Building bipartite graph done.
2019-05-15 16:45:17,703 - __main__ - INFO - Driver finding done. Start significance test now.
2019-05-15 16:45:17,703 - permutation - INFO - Start permutation, using 8 threads.
2019-05-15 16:50:32,328 - permutation - INFO - Permutation done.
2019-05-15 16:50:37,932 - __main__ - INFO - Significance test done.
2019-05-15 16:50:37,937 - __main__ - INFO - Writing output done. Please check DriverNet_res.txt.
2019-05-15 16:50:37,938 - __main__ - INFO - All done. Cheers.
Compare the result of DriverNetPy
with DriverNet
python ../script/ DriverNet_res.txt DriverNetPy_res.txt
This may due to:
- the reasons aforementioned in the Motivation part.
- when ranking candidate drivers, in case of a tie, randomly pick one.
The network permutation scheme in DriverNetPy
considers the degree of each node in the network. The degree of each node before and after the permutation are roughly the same.
Well, the code of DriverNet_1.0.0 (oldest) and DriverNet 1.24.0 (latest, checked in 20190515) shows no differences.
$ wget
$ tar zxf DriverNet_1.0.0.tar.gz; mv DriverNet DriverNet_1.0.0
$ wget
$ tar zxf DriverNet_1.24.0.tar.gz; mv DriverNet DriverNet_1.24.0
$ cd DriverNet_1.24.0/R
$ for sample in `ls *`; do diff $sample ../../DriverNet_1.0.0/R/${sample}; done
I would change the forms of input data, e.g. from raw expression data and raw mutation data.