This repository contains the concept and proposal for the Sustainable Farming Hackathon Idea. The goal of this project is to address the challenges faced by farmers in adopting sustainable farming practices, specifically focusing on the lack of financial incentives and the difficulty in validating their efforts. The aim is to enable farmers to access premium markets and incentives, remove the middle men in between and driving the transition towards a more sustainable agricultural sector.
The idea revolves around overcoming the financial constraints faced by farmers during the transition to sustainable farming practices. It proposes the establishment of a comprehensive financial support system that includes credit based system to assist farmers in adopting sustainable methods. By alleviating the financial burden, farmers will be empowered to make the necessary investments in infrastructure, training, and organic inputs, accelerating the transition towards sustainability.
Additionally, the idea addresses the difficulty in validating farmers' efforts and gaining recognition for their sustainability contributions. A reliable validation system will be implemented to certify and verify sustainable farming practices. This system will involve rigorous evaluation and monitoring of farmers' adherence to sustainability standards, providing them with a recognized certification. This validation system will enhance farmers' credibility, boost consumer confidence, and grant them access to markets that prioritize sustainability.
- Solidity
- OpenZeppelin
- ERC20 Token standards
- Ethereum Blockchain
- Hardhat
- MetaMask
- JavaScript
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