File and folder management system and a platform that allows other programs to be accessed through it using Java. 💻
First clone the repo and import it into your favorite Java IDE.
After you import it run the class called "Main".
2 windows should appear to you, one that's the desktop and one that's the CMD.
Try navigating through the files and folders by clicking on them and to go back just press the back button up there.
After you change in your current view or folder by creating files through the CMD use the refresh button to refresh the view.
ls > lists all files and folders in your current directory
cd path > changes directory to a given path i.e cd desktop/joe
pwd > tells you your parent directory i.e if you're inside desktop/joe then your parent directory would be desktop.
touch fileName > creates a File with name fileName
closeFile fileName > closes File with name fileName
deleteFile path/fileName > deletes File with fileName
create folderName > creates a Folder with name folderName
deleteFolder path/folderName > deletes Folder with folderName and all of its child folders and files
play musicPath > plays your favorite music at a given path i.e play music/music.wav would play music.wav
stop musicPath > stops your currently playing music at a given path i.e stop music/music.wav would stop music.wav
- You are welcome to develop the project by adding your program or project to be accessed through the VM system.
- You are welcome to develop the project by adding further functionalities to the project itself.
- The commits/LOC do not reflect the contribution done by each member of this repo due to not using Github properly at that time. All the contributors and the collaborators in this repository worked together to deliver the final product.
GUI and projects intergation on the platform 💻 | Operating system backend | 2D super Hero Chess Game | Mars program simulator |
Moe98 | Moe98 | Abdoronic | Moe98 |
YoussefMohamedDiaa | ZeyadKhattab | Mark-Micheal | ahmedshams99 |
fadi-saad | YoussefMohamedDiaa | fadi-saad | |
YoussefMohamedDiaa | YoussefMohamedDiaa |