This file is used to achieve the transformation between all Jovian coordinate system. The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and target vectors are the input parameters. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8201950
Before using these code, please pay more attention to announcements!
System III(1965) (S3RH)
Jupiter Equatorial Inertial (JEI_J2000)
Jupiter Solar Equatorial (JSE)
Jupiter Solar Orbital (JSO)
Jupiter Heliospheric (JH)
Jupiter Solar Magnetic (JSM)
Jupiter Magnetic (JM)
Jupiter Solar MAGnetosphere (JSMAG)
MOD_PRECISION.f90: defines the precision of parameters and some common constants.
MOD_TIME_TRANSFORMATION.f90: includes all revelant subroutines in SOFA to transform UTC to TDB.
MOD_CS_TRANSFORMATION.f90: calculates all Jovian coordinate systems in JCRS and the final transformation matrix between any two coordinate systems. In particular, we offer three Jovian magnetic field models (VIP4,JRM09, and JRM33) for magnetic field-related coordinate systems.
MOD_TOP2013.f90: provides the relative motion between Jupiter and the Sun.
EXAPMLE1_S3RH2JSO.f90: an example of transformation from S3RH to JSO.
EXAPMLE2_JM2JCRS.f90: the other example of transformation from JM to JCRS.
SOFA_announcements.txt: includes the terms and conditions when using IAU SOFA and our codes.
TOP2013_announcements.txt: includes the terms and conditions when using TOP2013.
example 1.txt: output of EXAPMLE1_S3RH2JSO.f90; makes it easy for users to check.
example 2.txt: output of EXAPMLE2_JM2JCRS.f90; makes it easy for users to check.