The MBusinoLib library enables Arduino devices to decode M-Bus (Meterbus) RSP_UD telegrams. (Answer from Slave to Master with data records)
Most M-Bus devices should be supported.
Tested at ESPs, Arduino MKR, pico pi and Uno R4. 8 Bit Arduinos do not work because of missing float64 support.
Live test of the MBusinoLib Example at
A working M-Bus --> MQTT gateway with this library MBusino
MBusinoLib based at the AllWize/mbus-payload library but with much more decode capabilities. mbus-payload's encode capabilities are not supported.
Thanks to AllWize! for the origin library
Thanks to HWHardsoft and TrystanLea for the M-Bus communication for MBusino: and
Include and instantiate the MBusinoLib class. The constructor takes the size of the allocated buffer.
#include <MBusinoLib.h>
MBusinoLib payload(uint8_t size);
uint8_t size
: The maximum payload size to send, e.g.254
Decodes payload of a whole M-Bus telegram as byte array into a JsonArray (requires ArduinoJson library). The result is an array of objects. The method call returns the number of decoded fields or 0 if error.
uint8_t decode(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size, JsonArray& root);
same line from the example
uint8_t fields = payload.decode(&mbus_data[Startadd], packet_size - Startadd - 2, root);
Example JSON output:
"value_scaled": 22.06,
"units": "C",
"name": "external_temperature_min"
Example extract the JSON
for (uint8_t i=0; i<fields; i++) {
const char* name = root[i]["name"];
const char* units = root[i]["units"];
double value = root[i]["value_scaled"].as<double>();
const char* valueString = root[i]["value_string"];
//...send or process the Values
only contained records will be sended
- ["vif"] contains the VIF(E) as HEX in a string.
- ["value_scaled"] contains the value of the record as 64 bit real
- ["value_string"] contains the value of the record as ASCII string (only for Time/Dates and special variable lengs values)
- ["units"] contains the unit of the value as ASCII string
- ["name"] contains the name of the value as ASCII string incl. the information of the function field (min, max, err or nothing for instantaneous)
- ["subUnit"] countains the transmitted sub unit
- ["storage"] countains the transmitted storage number
- ["tariff"] countains the transmitted tariff
There are more records available but you have to delete the out comment in the library.
- ["code"] contains the library internal code of the VIF
- ["scalar"] contains the scaler of the value
- ["value_raw"] contains the raw value
Returns the last error ID, once returned the error is reset to OK. Possible error values are:
: Buffer cannot hold the requested data, try increasing the buffer size. When decoding: incomming buffer size is wrong.MBUS_ERROR::UNSUPPORTED_CODING
:The library only supports 1,2,3 and 4 bytes integers and 2,4,6 or 8 BCD.MBUS_ERROR::UNSUPPORTED_RANGE
: Couldn't encode the provided combination of code and scale, try changing the scale of your value.MBUS_ERROR::UNSUPPORTED_VIF
: When decoding: the VIF is not supported and thus it cannot be decoded.
uint8_t getError(void);
if you receive error code 4 or an "UNSUPPORTED_VIF", please open an issue
The returned units are Home Assistant compatible. There are two methods to get the right device- and state-classes for use as Home Assistant sensor.
const char* getDeviceClass(uint8_t code);
const char* getStateClass(uint8_t code);
The MBusinoLib library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The MBusinoLib library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the MBusinoLib library. If not, see