An opinionated list of best practice examples of data journalism and visualization projects. The goal of this list is not to list all projects out there, but to list the most outstanding examples of visual and interactive journalism. It is sorted by alphabet, so that there is no ranking.
- It is well designed
- It uses web technology in an innovative way
- It introduces a new form of storytelling or visualization
- It is based on costly data research or investigation
- It engages users in a new way
- It works well on all devices
- Aljazeera: Where would 10.8 million displaced Syrians fit?
- Berliner Morgenpost: Europakarte
- Buzzfeed: Spies in the skies
- The Guardian: Brexit full results and analysis
- The Guardian: Where can you afford to buy a house
- Kiln: Shipmap
- LA Times: Every Kobe Shot Ever
- LA Times: Who gives money to Bernie Sanders?
- National Geographic: Four Million Commutes Reveal new U.S. 'Megaregions'
- New York Times: The Best and Worst places to grow up
- New York Times: How North Carolina Voted
- New York Times: How Trump Reshaped the Election Map
- New York Times: Mapping Segregation
- New York Times: Inside Raqqa
- Politibot: Así se ha desplomado el PSE
- Pudding: The shape of slavery
- SPLC: Hate Map
- Washington Post: How Trump Redrew the Electoral Map
- Zeit Online: A nation divided
- Adam Westbrook: The Divorce
- Berliner Morgenpost: M29
- Bloomberg: What's causing global warming
- Dyslexia
- FiveThirtyEight: Gun Deaths
- New York Times: Michael Phelps vs. Himself
- New York Times: Snowfall
- Pitch Interactive: Out of Sight, out of Mind
- The Guardian: Usain Bolt Replay
- The Guardian: Donald Trump's first 100 days
- The Guardian: NSA files: Decoded
- Wall Street Journal: Blue Feed, Red Feed
- Washington Post: Raising Barriers
- Quartz: Map of the internet
- National Geographic: The New New York Skyline
- New York Times: 3D Yield Curve
- New York Times: Dear Architects: Sound Matters
- New York Times: Reshaping New York
- New York Times: The Dawn Wall
- New York Times VR App
- The Guardian: Homan Square
- The Guardian: Solitary Confinement
- The Guardian: The London Skyline of Tomorrow
- Wall Street Journal: Is the Nasdaq in another Bubble?
- Bloomberg: What is Code?
- FiveThirtyEight: How the Internet talks
- Kim Albrecht: Trump Connections
- New York Times: Can you beat Usain Bolt out of the Blocks?
- New York Times: Spot the Ball
- New York Times: You Draw It
- The Fallen of World War II
- The Guardian: Are you reflected in the new congress?
- The Guardian: Can you guess the voter turnout in your state?
- The Guardian: How well do you know your country?
- The Guardian: Rio Run
- The Guardian: What do you call a person who moves to another country in search of a better life?
- Wall Street Journal: Are you good enough to be a Tennis Line Judge?
- Washington Post: DNC Emoji Reactions
- Bloomberg: Billionaires
- Bloomberg: How Red Meat Joined the 478 Other Things That Might Give You Cancer
- Dear Data
- Financial Times: A visual history of women's Tennis
- Financial Times: Is urban cycling worth the risk?
- Histography
- National Geographic: Sizing up Sharks
- New York Times: All Races on the same scale
- New York Times: How could Trumps immigration Ban work?
- New York Times: How Syrians are dying
- New York Times: How they got their guns
- New York Times: The 273 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
- New York Times: Visual History of Summer Olympics
- Polygraph: The entire history of Kickstarter
- R2D3: A visual intro to machine learning
- South China Morning Post: Front Pages Analysis
- The Guardian: What's the world scared of?
- Washington Post: A decade of Trumps imports
- Washington Post: Most of Trump's charts skew the data
- Washington Post: Sizing up the Olympics
- Washington Post: The Depth of the Problem
- Quartz: Every active satellite orbiting earth
- Airbnb vs Berlin
- Buzzfeed: The Tennis Racket
- FiveThirtyEight: A Plagiarism Scandal is unfolding in the Crossword world
- Marshall Project: The Next to die
- New York Times: How the nominees' convention speeches compare
- ProPublica: Machine Bias
- ProPublica: What Facebook knows about you
- SZ: The Panama Papers
- The Guardian: The Counted
- The Intercept: The Android Administration
- Washington Post: A visual history of Donald Trump dominating the news cycle
- Washington Post: Fatal Force
- Berliner Morgenpost: Das sind Deutschlands grünste Großstädte
- New York Times: Greenland is melting away
- New York Times: Living in China's Expanding Deserts
- New York Times: What China has been building in the South China Sea
- ProPublica: Las Vegas Growth Map
- ProPublica: Losing Ground
- SRF: Gotthard Tunnel 360
- The Guardian: Corals, South China Sea
- The Intercept: Visualising the U.S.-Mexico Border
- Aaron Bycoffe
- Adam Pearce
- Alberto Cairo
- Alberto Lucas Lopez
- Alexandra Wisniewska
- Allison McCann
- Amanda Cox
- Amanda Hickman
- Andrew Flowers
- Andy Kirk
- Brian Boyer
- Cheryl Phillips
- Chris Groskopf
- Christopher Möller
- David Bauer
- David Yanofsky
- Derek Willis
- Elijah Meeks
- Erik Hinton
- Gregor Aisch
- Hans Hack
- Jan Willem Tulp
- Jason Davies
- Jeremy Bowers
- Jeremy Singer-Vine
- John Burn-Murdoch
- Joshua Hatch
- Julian Schmidli
- Julia Wolfe
- Julius Tröger
- Kendall Taggart
- Lena Groeger
- Lisa Charlotte Rost
- Maarten Lambrechts
- Mara Averick
- Martin Burch
- Martin Gonzales
- Martin Stabe
- Matt Waite
- Michael Corey
- Mike Bostock
- Moritz Klack
- Moritz Stefaner
- Nadieh Bremer
- Nate Silver
- Nathan Yau
- Nicholas Rougeux
- Patrick Stotz
- Ritchie King
- Sarah Cohen
- Scott Klein
- Sisi Wei
- Ted Han
- Timo Grossenbacher
- Tom Meagher
- Tom Pearson
- Walter Hickey
- AP Interactive
- Berliner Morgenpost
- Bloomberg
- BuzzFeedNews
- FiveThirtyEight
- Guardian Visuals
- Graphics Departments Twitter List (collection)
- Interactive Things
- Kiln
- LA Times Data Desk
- New York Times interactive Projects 2013
- New York Times interactive Projects 2014
- New York Times interactive Projects 2015
- NZZ Storytelling
- Polygraph
- ProPublica
- SRF Data
- Tulp Interactive
- Washington Post Graphics
- Webkid
- Zeit Online