This project was modified from:
https://github.com/headzoo/node-mogile.git, https://github.com/Sean2755/MogileFS-ng
npm install mogilefs-node
const mogile = require('mogilefs-node');
// The createClient method takes an array of trackers
const trackers = ['mogtracker1.server.net:7001', 'mogtracker2.server.net:7001'];
// Create a new mogile client
const client = mogile.createClient(trackers);
// Get all the domains
.then(response => {})
.catch(error => {});
// All of the commands that work within a domain use a Domain object
const domain = client.domain('default');
// Get all the paths for a given file
domain.getPaths('my_file.txt', 0)
.then(paths => {})
.catch(error => {});
// Getting the contents of a file, and storing it locally in /tmp/my_file.txt
domain.get('my_file.txt', '/tmp/my_file.txt')
.then(bytes => {})
.catch(error => {});
// Storing the file /tmp/my_file.txt in mogile using the key 'my_file.txt' in
// the 'default' storage class.
domain.save('my_file.txt', 'default', '/tmp/my_file.txt')
.then(bytes_written => {})
.catch(error => {});
// Deleting a file
.then(response => {})
.catch(error => {});
// Renaming a file
domain.rename('my_file.txt', 'your_file.txt')
.then(response => {})
.catch(error => {});
// Search Key
domain.get_keys(prefix_key, null, null)
.then(response => {})