This turns the Teensy 4.1 development board into a usb->usb filter with mouse acceleration.
Besides a Teensy 4.1 board and a micro USB cable, you'll need to get, and solder, 5 header pins for the USB host cable.
- Follow the Teensyduino installation guide
Note Teensyduino (as of v1.57) is only compatible with the legacy Arduino IDE (v1.8.19)
- Open teensy-accel.ino in the Arduino IDE
- Edit the Raw Accel
definition in accel.hpp - In the IDE Tools menu, ensure "Teensy 4.1" and "Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick" are selected under Board and USB Type
- Plug in the board and click 'Upload'
- Input device is expected to request 1000hz polling rate
- Output movement values are represented by 1 byte (max counts = 127); inputs from faster motions could get clamped, depending on settings and dpi