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aaFn edited this page May 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

The following keyboard shortcuts are active in BSP2 (in addition to classical navigation/selection keys, and to copy/cut/paste/delete shortcuts):

Key Action
Left Arrow On open folder, collapse branch under folder
On closed folder, bookmark item or separator, go to parent folder
Shift Left Arrow On folder, collapse all in branch under folder, recursively (even if already closed)
Right Arrow On closed folder, expand branch under folder
On open folder, go to first child if any (else do nothing)
Shift Right Arrow On folder, expand all in branch under folder, recursively (even if already open)
Ctrl-Z Undo last operation, and place it in the undo stack (look at the history window to see it)
Ctrl-Y Redo last undone operation, if still active in the undo stack (the undo stack is cleared up by any operation which is not an undo or a redo)
Enter In main panel, open current highlighted bookmark in current tab
In search panel, focus on corresponding bookmark in the main panel
Alt+Enter Open current highlighted bookmark in current tab
Ctrl+Enter Open current highlighted bookmark in a new tab
Shift+Enter Open current highlighted bookmark in a new window