Discord bot that rates an artifact against an optimal 5* artifact. Put the command and image in the same message.
If you would like to add it to your private server use the link:
You can also use the bot by sending the command in a DM to Artifact Rater#6924.
If you have any issues, please contact shrubin#1866 or Chizy#0303 on discord or use the -feedback
Join the support server: https://discord.gg/SyGmBxds3M
-rate <image/url> [lvl=<level>] [<stat>=<weight> ...]
ATK%, DMG%, Crit - 1
ATK, EM, Recharge - 0.5
Everything else - 0
Compare to specified artifact level (defaults to parsed artifact level)
-rate lvl=20
Set custom weights (valued between 0 and 1)
-rate atk=1 er=0 atk%=0.5
<stat> is any of HP, HP%, ATK, ATK%, ER (Recharge), EM, PHYS, CR (Crit Rate), CD (Crit Damage), ELEM (Elemental DMG%), Heal, DEF, DEF%
If you need help or want to contribute, feel free to DM shrubin#1866 or Chizy#0303 and join https://discord.gg/SyGmBxds3M
python3.8 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up a bot on the Discord Developer Portal
Go to https://ocr.space and get an API key
Store environment variables for OCR Space and Discord in .env
To load cogs, make sure to create a config.toml and put the cogs in a list.
cogs = ["<cog name>"]
Set a Discord CHANNEL_ID=<id>
to receive messages when the bot goes up/down
to divert all messages to CHANNEL_ID
python3.8 bot.py
Edit url
in rate_artifact.py
python3.8 rate_artifact.py