Big integration test of all tools
Our new story is:
- Start from an empty ontology.
- Add a concept 'Sequence' to the ontology that maps to 'java.util.LinkedList', 'Array', etc.
- Run checker framework to propagate the corresponding annotations in the corpus.
- Add concept 'Sorted Sequence' to the ontology which is a specialization of 'Sequence' with a sortedness invariant.
- Generate a Daikon pattern from the sortedness invariant.
- Find all methods that take a Sequence and produce a Sequence and establish that invariant.
- Use program similarity to find more methods like this (because dynamic analysis will only find a few).
- Order the resulting set by 'quality'.
- Pick the best implementation and add it back to the ontology as a cliche for sorting.
How to run:
This downloads all the jars, compiles stuff, etc. Only needs to be run once.
Compiles the corpus projects, generates tests and dtrace files, computes dot files, runs petablox.
python Sort04 Sort15
runs the main loop over the corpus, or the subset of corpus programs specified in the args.
Results of all tools running can be found on Travis:
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