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2024 I2P Final Project - Rhythm Defense

Team Member

112060033 廖昱瑋、112060028 吳彥儒、112060040 劉奐均

Demo Video

Game Overview

This game is a two-player cooperative game, with one player in charge of the rhythm game part and the other mainly in charge of the Tower defense part.

The player in charge of rhythm game needs to play as well as possible to support the tower defense player, you will get money by hitting notes, also, some tower will only attack when you hit a certain number of note(s) simultaneously.

We don't modify too much on the tower defense part, but we synced the attack of those tower which attacks automatically with the music, in order to maintain a sense of unity.

The game contains 3 playable songs(or stages), which you need to unlock them one by one by passing the song before it on the map, similar to the game Lanota.

game map snapshot: img_4.png

There will also be stories along the way, presented in a visual novel way, similar to the game vivid/stasis or Rotaeno.

plot-engine snapshot: img_5.png

Game mechanics(Rhythm game part): notes will fall from the top of the screen, and when it reaches a line called timing line, the user needs to press a certain key to hit the note on a certain lane. The final thing we implemented is very similar to osu! mania 4K.

Game mechanics(Tower defense part): We will build this part based on project2 but we will introduce more interaction with the music and the rhythm game part.

game snapshot: img_13.png

Song Credits

Stage1: Beyond Apocalypse by ABlackCat (a.k.a.吳彥儒)

Stage2: Monochrize by ABlackCat (a.k.a.吳彥儒)

Stage3: D1AB0LiC_DEV0Ti0N by Salad Savior (Free to use if informed)

Prove of informed (X(Twitter) DM): img.png

Work Allocation & Features

the one in front means do more work cross means the one do much less work but still engaged

Miscellaneous Tasks

Tasks Person in Charge
Come up with what we are going to do 吳彥儒、廖昱瑋
Write proposal 廖昱瑋、吳彥儒
Provide project2 code 吳彥儒
Teach team member how to use Git and GitHub (in CLion) 吳彥儒
Merge branches 吳彥儒
Inform Salad Savior for song3 吳彥儒
Write this file 吳彥儒

Plot & Plot Engine

Tasks Person in Charge
Plan 吳彥儒
Simple Scripting Language: SimRen'Py 吳彥儒
Plot Engine 吳彥儒
Plot (over 7500 words total) 吳彥儒
Credit to the original work Blue Archive (NAT Games, Publisher: NEXON Korea Corporation)


Able to read .txt file of our self-defined language: SimRen'Py and present the plot. SimRen'Py means "Simplified Ren'Py". We've also written a simple documentation for SimRen'Py, which is at the end of this README file, be sure to check it out!

The Engine is able to process text, character name, image and audio. The Engine can show text in the bottom or the middle, the text will appear one by one, accompanied by a text appearing sound effect. You can always make it show the whole sentence by clicking mouse or pressing Enter on your keyboard. When it reaches the end of the sentence, you can proceed by the same controls listed above. The Engine supports multiline texts, we've tested the engine in English and Chinese, and it works fine in both.

The Engine can display character name a little bit left up to the bottom text, you can also color them with different color, see more in the documentation.

The Engine can show and hide each individual image, useful for presenting your story.

The Engine can play and stop individual audio, useful for playing sound effects and BGMs.

The Engine supports auto mode, if you enabled the auto mode, it will automatically proceed after it reaches the end of a sentence for a while.

The Engine supports history mode, you can enter the history mode by scrolling your mouse up once, after you enter the history mode, you can scroll up and down to see happened dialog. You can exit history mode by scrolling down once if you're at the last sentence of history.

history mode snapshot: img_6.png

Also, you can skip the story by clicking the skip button in the top right corner.

Story Map

Tasks Person in Charge
Plan 吳彥儒
Story Map 劉奐均


Unlock songs/stages one by one.

Rhythm Game

Tasks Person in Charge
Plan 吳彥儒
Sync with Rhythm 廖昱瑋、吳彥儒
Notes fall from top 廖昱瑋、吳彥儒
Hit notes and Judgement 吳彥儒
Read notes 廖昱瑋
Hold notes implementation 廖昱瑋
Visual effects 吳彥儒
Rhythm game cheat mode 吳彥儒
Chart Design 吳彥儒、廖昱瑋


There are two kinds of notes: hit and hold, for hit, you need to hit the corresponding key at the right timing to hit it, and for hold, you need to hit the corresponding key at the start of the hold and leave the key at the end of the hold.

There are three kinds of judgements: perfect, good and missed. The judgement tolerance is listed below:

perfect: -50ms ~ 50ms

good: -100ms ~ -50ms, 50ms ~ 100ms

missed: note not hit 100ms after the time it should be hit

There are combo counters, combo display and judgement display. There is also a fps display which we first wrote for debugging, but it looks cool, so we keep it in place.

When notes are hit, there will be a growing square appearing, giving the player visual feedback of hitting a note. The square will not disappear if the note you hit is hold, and you actually hold it.

There is also visual feedback if you press the key for a lane, the lane will become a little bit brighter for a short time. We implement it with attack time and decay time, which we are kind of proud of.

We also implement the cheat mode, which the system will automatically play the rhythm game part for you.

Tower Defense's Integration with Music

Tasks Person in Charge
Plan 吳彥儒
Merge rhythm game into tower defense 吳彥儒
Make money by hitting notes 廖昱瑋
Some towers will only attack when notes were hit 吳彥儒
Other Tower's attack synced with the music 吳彥儒
Boss and Boss special ability 吳彥儒


After making the rhythm game on its own, we merge the tower defense from project2 and the rhythm game together. We also integrate the tower defense with music and rhythm game by making it able to make money by hitting notes, making Some towers will only attack when notes were hit and making other tower's attack synced with the music.

Furthermore, if you got full-combo or all-perfect on the rhythm game part, the cheat code from project2 will be triggered, killing all the enemies on screen to reward player playing good in the rhythm game part.

Tower & Boss Introduction (Integration with Rhythm Game)

Machine Gun Turret

img_8.png : Shoot when at least note is hit.

Laser Turret

img_9.png : Shoot every beat.

Missile Turret

img_10.png : Shoot when multiple notes are hit at the same time.

Momoi Turret

img_11.png : Sniper, shoot every 8 beat (2 bars in 4/4), cost money to shoot.


img.png img_1.png: Raise shield at the first and second beat, put shield down at the third and fourth beat. If shielded, reduce received damage by 75%; If not shielded, increase received damage to 400%.

Online Scoreboard

Tasks Person in Charge
Based on project2's scoreboard 吳彥儒
Compile curl from source 吳彥儒
Link the library in CMake 吳彥儒
Implementation of download and upload 吳彥儒
Internal network server & code 吳彥儒


Try to get scoreboards from our internal network server everytime needed, if failed to connect to server, use local scoreboards instead. It's also capable to upload modified scoreboard after winning a stage and the username name is entered.

From project2: We have 2 scoreboards for each stage: money left and life left, since we have 3 stages now, the total number of scoreboard is 6. You can switch between them smoothly in the scoreboard scene. You can also scroll up and down to see the whole scoreboard.

snapshot: img_7.png

Documentation of our Scripting Language: SimRen'Py

In order to handle the story, we develop a simple scripting language: SimRen'Py. This scripting language was initially intended to be very similar to Ren'Py, a visual novel language based on python. However, due to the implementation of our Engine, we modified some grammar for easier implementation in our situation!

Here are some simple documentation of our language SimRen'Py.

SimRen'Py contains of two part, the first is the preprocessing part, and the second part is the story part. These two part needs to be seperated by a special line of words (Plot_Start:). The script might look like this:

image Kuo "plot/Kuo.jpg" size 300 400


ABlackCat "What should I do?"
ABlackCat "Maybe I should write code"

Preprocessing Instructions


image image_name "path/to/your/image/from/Resource/images" size width_in_pixel height

load the image for later use


image Kuo "plot/Kuo.jpg" size 300 400


audio audio_name "path/to/your/audio/from/Resource/audios"

load the audio for later use.


audio notification "plot/sfx/notification.ogg"


color character_name r g b

pre-assigning color to specific character name, the engine will automatically color the name as described if the name were later used.


color 彩奈 224 241 245

Instructions in the Story Part


character_name "words the character will say"

Simple text display, if the character name is not colored, it will be colored with the default color. You can use NULL as the character name if you don't want to show the character name.


ABlackCat "Maybe I should write code"



middle "words you want to show at the middle"

Display text at the middle.


middle "一段時間後............"



show image_name at x y

Show loaded image at certain position.


image Kuo "plot/Kuo.jpg" size 300 400


show Kuo at 200 100



hide image_name

Hide certain showed image, do nothing if not showed before.


hide Kuo


play audio_name

Play loaded audio once.


play notification


stop audio_name

Stop played audio, do nothing if the audio hasn't been played.


stop notification


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  • C++ 97.6%
  • CMake 2.2%
  • Other 0.2%