This repository contains part of my final project for a course, featuring a simple pitch estimation (F0 estimation) system designed for the Basys3 FPGA board by Digilent. The approach uses the autocorrelation method, constrained to a C pentatonic scale for simplicity, compatibility with other project components, and to accommodate the computational resource limitations of the board.
- Sampler & Buffer Writer: Receives audio signals from the vauxp15/vauxn15 pair and writes data into a buffer.
- Dual Buffer Strategy: Utilizes two constantly switching buffers: one for the sampler to write into and one for the F0 estimation module to read from. This drastically simplifies the design.
- F0 Estimation: Computes the autocorrelation values for the notes C, D, E, G, and A, and interprets the results in a one-hot-like format. The detected note is displayed on
, with the most significant bit representing C.
This project is deprecated as the semester has ended, and I no longer have access to the Basys3 board.
For a detailed logic diagram, refer to this Google Drive link.
This project serves as an educational exploration of audio signal processing on an FPGA. It is not fully polished or production-ready but demonstrates foundational concepts and practical implementation.
Here's a picture for reference. The audio interface is used as a amplifier only, if you also want to do that, make sure your audio interface has the direct monitoring feature.