this project is a real world messaging system build using core 3.1 api & angular 9 & EntityFramework core & sqllite, i had build it for training/testing angular in much topics and covering it as well like secuirty in server side and client side, error handling in server/client side and see alot of features in angular framework, also have some functionalities like members can follow/message each other, edit his profile in pretty view of SPA ..
- Single Page Application
- Interactive between backend api and frontend in synchronous way
- Build using asp.netcore api 3.1, angular 9, entityframework core, api testing using postman and sqllite
- Using source control git and docker container image for publish in heroku
- Members can messaging/following each other in secure way
- Pagination, Filters, Sorting in server/client side
- Global error handling in server/client side
- using backend library like AutoMapper, JwtTokens
- using (Cloudinary) cloud thirdpart for uploading images
- using angular packages like alertifyjs, bootstrap, bootswatch, fontawesome, ng2-file-upload, ngx-gallery, time-ago-pipe, auth0/angular-jwt
- using ngx-bootstrap instead of using jQuery for angular
for demo you can register as new member or using the existing members username and have the same password = "password" like
- username = "eliza", password="password",
- username = "Fowler", password="password" ..... etc
try register for new user
try demo user => username = demo , password = demo
site ==> or