The AbcFileDistributionBundle provides a database-backed file management system for Symfony. It gives you a flexible framework for storing and transferring files between various locations (Local, FTP, CDN). It is build on top of AbcFileDistribution library.
This bundle provides the following features:
- Filesystem definitions can be stored via Doctrine ORM, MongoDB/CouchDB ODM or Propel
- Filesystem definitions can be defined in configuration
- Unit tested
We appreciate if you decide to use this bundle and we appreciate your feedback, suggestions or contributions.
Add the AbcFileDistributionBundle to your composer.json
"require": {
"aboutcoders/file-distribution-bundle": "~1.1"
Then include the bundle in the AppKernel.php class
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Abc\Bundle\FileDistributionBundle\AbcFileDistributionBundle(),
return $bundles;
Configure doctrine orm
At the current point only doctrine is supported as ORM. However by changing the configuration you can use a different persistence layer.
db_driver: orm
type: LOCAL
path: "%data_dir%/assets"
create: true
Update the database schema
Finally you need to update your database schema in order to create the required tables.
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- Update docs
AbcFileDistributionBundle is a AboutCoders initiative.