A symfony bundle that adds process control to the SonataNotificationBundle and thereby allows to start/stop message processing in a continuous integration environment.
Follow the installation instructions of the required third party bundles:
Add the AbcNotificationBundle to your composer.json
php composer.phar require aboutcoders/notification-bundle
Include the bundle in the AppKernel.php class
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Abc\Bundle\NotificationBundle\AbcNotificationBundle(),
return $bundles;
Following the installation instructions of the SonataNotificationBundle you will create or generate a bundle within your application that extends from the SonataNotificationBundle. Since this bundle also extends from the SonataNotificationBundle you have to extend your created/generated bundle from this bundle instead of the SonataNotificationBundle.
class MySonataNotificationBundle extends Bundle
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getParent()
return 'AbcNotificationBundle';
- Provide a pull request for the SonataNotificationBundle that allows to define custom message managers/iterators and thereby make this bundle obsolete