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Helper functions for the generation of CIDOC CRMish RDF


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Helper functions for the generation of CIDOC CRMish RDF (from XML/TEI data)


  • install via pip install acdh-cidoc-pyutils


extract cidoc:P14i_performed FRBROO:F51_ Pursuit triples from tei:person/tei:occupation nodes

import lxml.etree as ET
from rdflib import URIRef
rom acdh_cidoc_pyutils import make_occupations, NSMAP
sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <person xml:id="DWpers0091" sortKey="Gulbransson_Olaf_Leonhard">
        <persName type="pref">Gulbransson, Olaf</persName>
        <occupation notBefore="1900-12" notAfter="2000" key="#hansi" xml:lang="it">Bürgermeister</occupation>
        <occupation from="1233-02-03" key="#sumsi">Tischlermeister/Fleischhauer</occupation>
        <occupation key="franzi">Sängerin</occupation>
g, uris = make_occupations(subj, x, "", id_xpath="@key")
# returns
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091> ns1:P14i_performed <https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/3>,
        <https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/sumsi> .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/3> a <> ;
    rdfs:label "Bäckerin"@de .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/franzi> a <> ;
    rdfs:label "Sängerin"@de .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/hansi> a <> ;
    rdfs:label "Bürgermeister"@it ;
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/hansi/time-span> .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/hansi/time-span> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "1900-12 - 2000"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "1900-12"^^xsd:gYearMonth ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "2000"^^xsd:gYear .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/sumsi> a <> ;
    rdfs:label "Tischlermeister/Fleischhauer"@de ;
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/sumsi/time-span> .

<https://foo/bar/DWpers0091/occupation/sumsi/time-span> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "1233-02-03 - 1233-02-03"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "1233-02-03"^^xsd:date ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "1233-02-03"^^xsd:date .

extract birth/death triples from tei:person

import lxml.etree as ET
from rdflib import URIRef
from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import make_birth_death_entities, NSMAP

sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <person xml:id="DWpers0091" sortKey="Gulbransson_Olaf_Leonhard">
        <persName type="pref">Gulbransson, Olaf</persName>
        <birth when="1873-05-26">
            26. 5. 1873<placeName key="#DWplace00139">Christiania (Oslo)</placeName>
            <date notBefore-iso="1905-07-04" when="1955" to="2000">04.07.1905</date>
            <settlement key="pmb50">
                <placeName type="pref">Wien</placeName>
                <location><geo>48.2066 16.37341</geo></location>

doc = ET.fromstring(sample)
x = doc.xpath(".//tei:person[1]", namespaces=NSMAP)[0]
xml_id = x.attrib["{}id"].lower()
item_id = f"https://foo/bar/{xml_id}"
subj = URIRef(item_id)
event_graph, birth_uri, birth_timestamp = make_birth_death_entities(
    subj, x, place_id_xpath="//tei:placeName[1]/@key
event_graph, birth_uri, birth_timestamp = make_birth_death_entities(
    subj, x, event_type="death", verbose=True, date_node_xpath="/tei:date[1]",
# returns
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

# birth example

<https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/birth> a ns1:E67_Birth ;
    rdfs:label "Geburt von Gulbransson, Olaf Leonhard"@fr ;
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/birth/time-span> ;
    ns1:P7_took_place_at <https://foo/bar/DWplace00139> ;
    ns1:P98_brought_into_life <https://foo/bar/dwpers0091> .

<https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/birth/time-span> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "1873-05-26 - 1873-05-26"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "1873-05-26"^^xsd:date ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "1873-05-26"^^xsd:date .

# death example

<https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/death> a ns1:E69_Death ;
    rdfs:label "Geburt von Gulbransson, Olaf Leonhard"@fr ;
    ns1:P100_was_death_of <https://foo/bar/dwpers0091> ;
    ns1:P7_took_place_at <https://foo/bar/pmb50>
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/death/time-span> .

<https://foo/bar/dwpers0091/death/time-span> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "1905-07-04 - 2000"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "1905-07-04"^^xsd:date ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "2000"^^xsd:gYear .

create ns1:P168_place_is_defined_by "Point(456 123)"^^<geo:wktLiteral> . from tei:coords

import lxml.etree as ET
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF
from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import coordinates_to_p168, NSMAP, CIDOC
sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <place xml:id="DWplace00092">
        <placeName type="orig_name">Reval (Tallinn)</placeName>
        <location><geo>123 456</geo></location>

doc = ET.fromstring(sample)
g = Graph()
for x in doc.xpath(".//tei:place", namespaces=NSMAP):
    xml_id = x.attrib["{}id"].lower()
    item_id = f"https://foo/bar/{xml_id}"
    subj = URIRef(item_id)
    g.add((subj, RDF.type, CIDOC["E53_Place"]))
    g += coordinates_to_p168(subj, x)
# returns
    ns1:P168_place_is_defined_by "Point(456 123)"^^<geo:wktLiteral> .
  • Function parameter verbose prints information in case the given xpath does not return expected results which is a text node with two numbers separated by a given separator (default value is separator=" ")
  • Function parameter inverse (default: inverse=False) changes the order of the coordinates.

date-like-string to casted rdflib.Literal

from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import date_to_literal d
dates = [
for x in dates:
    date_literal = date_to_literal(x)

# returns

make some random URI

from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import make_uri

domain = ""
version = "1"
prefix = "sumsi"
uri = make_uri(domain=domain, version=version, prefix=prefix)

uri = make_uri(domain=domain)

create an E52_Time-Span graph

from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import create_e52, make_uri
uri = make_uri()
e52 = create_e52(uri, begin_of_begin="1800-12-12", end_of_end="1900-01")
# returns
# @prefix ns1: <> .
# @prefix rdfs: <> .
# @prefix xsd: <> .

# <> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
#     rdfs:label "1800-12-12 - 1900-01"^^xsd:string ;
#     ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "1800-12-12"^^xsd:date ;
#     ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "1900-01"^^xsd:gYearMonth .

creates E42 from tei:org|place|person

takes a tei:person|place|org node, extracts their @xml:id and all tei:idno elements, derives idoc:E42_Identifier triples and relates them to a passed in subject via cidoc:P1_is_identified_by

import lxml.etree as ET
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF
from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import make_e42_identifiers, NSMAP, CIDOC
sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <place xml:id="DWplace00092">
        <placeName type="orig_name">Reval (Tallinn)</placeName>
        <placeName xml:lang="de" type="simple_name">Reval</placeName>
        <placeName xml:lang="und" type="alt_label">Tallinn</placeName>
        <idno type="pmb"></idno>
        <idno type="URI" subtype="geonames"></idno>
        <idno subtype="foobarid">12345</idno>

doc = ET.fromstring(sample)
g = Graph()
for x in doc.xpath(".//tei:place|tei:org|tei:person|tei:bibl", namespaces=NSMAP):
    xml_id = x.attrib["{}id"].lower()
    item_id = f"https://foo/bar/{xml_id}"
    subj = URIRef(item_id)
    g.add((subj, RDF.type, CIDOC["E53_Place"]))
    g += make_e42_identifiers(
        subj, x, type_domain="http://hansi/4/ever", default_lang="it",
# returns
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092> a ns1:E53_Place ;
    ns1:P1_is_identified_by <https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/DWplace00092>,
        <https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/idno/2> ;
    owl:sameAs <>,
        <> .

<http://hansi/4/ever/idno/URI/geonames> a ns1:E55_Type .

<http://hansi/4/ever/idno/foobarid> a ns1:E55_Type .

<http://hansi/4/ever/idno/pmb> a ns1:E55_Type .

<http://hansi/4/ever/xml-id> a ns1:E55_Type .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/DWplace00092> a ns1:E42_Identifier ;
    rdfs:label "Identifier: DWplace00092"@it ;
    rdf:value "DWplace00092";
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/xml-id> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/idno/0> a ns1:E42_Identifier ;
    rdfs:label "Identifier:"@it ;
    rdf:value "";
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/idno/pmb> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/idno/1> a ns1:E42_Identifier ;
    rdfs:label "Identifier:"@it ;
    rdf:value "" 
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/idno/URI/geonames> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/identifier/idno/2> a ns1:E42_Identifier ;
    rdfs:label "Identifier: 12345"@it ;
    rdf:value "12345";
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/idno/foobarid> .

creates appellations from tei:org|place|person

takes a tei:person|place|org node, extracts persName, placeName and orgName texts, @xml:lang and custom type values and returns cidoc:E33_41 and cidoc:E55 nodes linked via cidoc:P1_is_identified_by and cidoc:P2_has_type

import lxml.etree as ET
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF
from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import make_appellations, NSMAP, CIDOC

sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <place xml:id="DWplace00092">
        <placeName type="orig_name">Reval (Tallinn)</placeName>
        <placeName xml:lang="de" type="simple_name">Reval</placeName>
        <placeName xml:lang="und" type="alt_label">Tallinn</placeName>
        <idno type="pmb"></idno>

doc = ET.fromstring(sample)
g = Graph()
for x in doc.xpath(".//tei:place|tei:org|tei:person|tei:bibl", namespaces=NSMAP):
    xml_id = x.attrib["{}id"].lower()
    item_id = f"https://foo/bar/{xml_id}"
    subj = URIRef(item_id)
    g.add((subj, RDF.type, CIDOC["E53_Place"]))
    g += make_appellations(
        subj, x, type_domain="http://hansi/4/ever", default_lang="it"

# returns
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092> a ns1:E53_Place ;
    ns1:P1_is_identified_by <https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/appellation/0>,
        <https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/appellation/2> .

<http://hansi/4/ever/alt-label> a ns1:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "alt_label" .

<http://hansi/4/ever/orig-name> a ns1:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "orig_name" .

<http://hansi/4/ever/simple-name> a ns1:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "simple_name" .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/appellation/0> a ns1:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    rdfs:label "Reval (Tallinn)"@it ;
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/orig-name> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/appellation/1> a ns1:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    rdfs:label "Reval"@de ;
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/simple-name> .

<https://foo/bar/dwplace00092/appellation/2> a ns1:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    rdfs:label "Tallinn"@und ;
    ns1:P2_has_type <http://hansi/4/ever/alt-label> .

connects to places (E53_Place) with P89_falls_within

domain = "https://foo/bar/"
subj = URIRef(f"{domain}place__237979")
sample = """
<TEI xmlns="">
    <place xml:id="place__237979">
        <placeName>Lerchenfelder G&#252;rtel 48</placeName>
        <desc type="entity_type">Wohngeb&#228;ude (K.WHS)</desc>
        <desc type="entity_type_id">36</desc>
        <location type="coords">
            <geo>48,209035 16,339257</geo>
            <placeName ref="place__50">Wien</placeName>
            <geo>48,208333 16,373056</geo>
doc = ET.fromstring(sample)
node = doc.xpath(".//tei:place[1]", namespaces=NSMAP)[0]
g = p89_falls_within(
    subj, node, domain, location_id_xpath="./tei:location/tei:placeName/@ref"
result = g.serialize(format="ttl")


@prefix ns1: <> .

<https://foo/bar/place__237979> ns1:P89_falls_within <https://foo/bar/place__50> .

creates E66_Formation and E68_Dissolution events

from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import p95i_was_formed_by
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef

g = Graph()
subj = URIRef("")
label = "Wiener Moderne Verein"
g += p95i_was_formed_by(
    subj, start_date="2023-10-14", end_date="2025-12-31", label=f"{label} wurde gegründet", label_lang="de"
result = g.serialize(format="ttl")


@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> ns1:P95i_was_formed_by <> .

<> a ns1:E68_Dissolution ;
    rdfs:label "Institution wurde aufgelöst"@de ;
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <> .

<> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "2025-12-31"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "2025-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "2025-12-31"^^xsd:date .

<> a ns1:E66_Formation ;
    rdfs:label "Wiener Moderne Verein wurde gegründet"@de ;
    ns1:P4_has_time-span <> .

<> a ns1:E52_Time-Span ;
    rdfs:label "2023-10-14"^^xsd:string ;
    ns1:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "2023-10-14"^^xsd:date ;
    ns1:P82b_end_of_the_end "2023-10-14"^^xsd:date .


from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import normalize_string
string = """\n\nhallo
mein schatz ich liebe    dich
    du bist         die einzige für mich
# returns
# hallo mein schatz ich liebe dich du bist die einzige für mich

extract date attributes (begin, end)

expects typical TEI date attributes like @when, @when-iso, @notBefore, @notAfter, @from, @to, ... and returns a tuple containg start- and enddate values. If only @when or @when-iso or only @notBefore or @notAfter are provided, the returned values are the same, unless the default parameter fill_missing is set to False.

from lxml.etree import Element
from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import extract_begin_end

date_string = "1900-12-12"
date_object = Element("{}tei")
date_object.attrib["when-iso"] = date_string

# returns
# ('1900-12-12', '1900-12-12')

date_string = "1900-12-12"
date_object = Element("{}tei")
date_object.attrib["when-iso"] = date_string
print(extract_begin_end(date_object, fill_missing=False))

# returns
# ('1900-12-12', None)

date_object = Element("{}tei")
date_object.attrib["notAfter"] = "1900-12-12"
date_object.attrib["notBefore"] = "1800"

# returns
# ('1800', '1900-12-12')

Convert a TEI document into an RDF graph representing a CIDOC CRM F24 Publication Expression.

from acdh_cidoc_pyutils import teidoc_as_f24_publication_expression

file_path = "L02643.xml"
domain = ""

uri, g, mentions = teidoc_as_f24_publication_expression(
    file_path, domain, ".//tei:titleStmt/tei:title[@level='a']"
g.serialize(file_name.replace(".xml", ".ttl"))


@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

<> a <> ;
    rdfs:label "Paul Goldmann an Arthur Schnitzler, 6. 8. 1889"@de ;
    ns1:P1_is_identified_by <> ;
    ns1:P67_refers_to <>,
        <> .

<> a ns1:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "A TEI/XML encoded text"@en .

<> a ns1:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    rdfs:label "Paul Goldmann an Arthur Schnitzler, 6. 8. 1889"@de ;
    ns1:P2_has_type <> .


  • pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
  • flake8 -> linting
  • coverage run -m pytest -> runs tests and creates coverage stats


Helper functions for the generation of CIDOC CRMish RDF







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