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Building Plumble

Morlunk edited this page Dec 24, 2012 · 1 revision

Due to a few quirks, Plumble can be a bit of a hassle for non-developers to get running. Here is a short guide that I hope will prove useful.

Requirements to build

  • Eclispe IDE with ADT or ADT bundle
  • Android SDK with versions 16 (ABS target) and 18 (Plumble target) installed
  • Android NDK (only if rebuilding native libs)

I recommend building in a GNU/Linux environment, although it is not necessary.

Once you have those, let's get started.

Fetch the submodules

Before even touching the project, let's get its dependencies.

git submodule init

git submodule update

Loading the project into Eclipse/ADT

Load the Plumble project itself into Eclipse. It is already an Eclipse project, and can be loaded via File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace.

ActionBarSherlock is also a dependency of Plumble. Load this into your workspace with File->Import->General->Existing Android Code into Workspace.

Updating ActionBarSherlock's support library

As of 2012-12-24, the version of the Android support library shipped with ActionBarSherlock is outdated and does not provide the Jellybean API functionality that Plumble requires. If this has not been addressed, the project will not build.

To solve this, right click on the ActionBarSherlock library and select Android Tools->Add Support Library.

Updating native library (optional)

You may, for some reason, need to recompile the native libraries that Plumble requires. To do this simply execute ndk-build in the jni/ folder of the project.

NOTE: As of 2012-12-24, I have not yet removed the HawtJNI dependency from the master branch. I have started on this in the opus branch, where Opus support is being worked on.

You're good to go!