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Remove GFF requirement when kallisto pseudoaligner used
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adamd3 committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 6fd1d1c commit c8495a4
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Showing 7 changed files with 413 additions and 56 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Run pipeline with test data
run: |
nextflow run ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} -profile test,docker --outdir ./results
nextflow run ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} -profile test,docker --aligner kallisto --outdir ./results
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v1
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ nextflow run BactSeq --data_dir [dir] --sample_file [file] --ref_genome [file] -
Mandatory arguments:
--data_dir [file] Path to directory containing FastQ files.
--ref_genome [file] Path to FASTA file containing reference genome sequence (bwa) or multi-FASTA file containing coding gene sequences (kallisto).
--ref_ann [file] Path to GFF file containing reference genome annotation.
--sample_file [file] Path to file containing sample information.
-profile [str] Configuration profile to use.
Available: conda, docker, singularity.
Other options:
--aligner [str] (Pseudo-)aligner to be used. Options: `bwa`, `kallisto`. Default = bwa.
--ref_ann [file] Path to GFF file containing reference genome annotation. Required only if bwa aligner used.
--cont_tabl [file] Path to tsv file containing contrasts to be performed for differential expression.
--fragment_len [str] Estimated average fragment length for kallisto transcript quantification (only required for single-end reads). Default = 150.
--fragment_sd [str] Estimated standard deviation of fragment length for kallisto transcript quantification (only required for single-end reads). Default = 20.
Expand Down
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions bin/count_reads_BIOTYPES.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

if (!require("optparse")){
install.packages("optparse",repos = "")
if (!require("tidyverse")){
install.packages("tidyverse",repos = "")
if (!require("scales")){
install.packages("scales",repos = "")
if (!require("RColorBrewer")){
install.packages("RColorBrewer",repos = "")


option_list <- list(
make_option(c("-m", "--metadata"), type="character", default=NULL,
help="sample metadata tsv file", metavar="character"),
make_option(c("-r", "--ref_gene_f"), type="character", default=NULL,
help="Gene annotations in reference strain",
make_option(c("-g", "--gene_counts_f"), type="character", default=NULL,
help="Gene annotations in reference strain",
make_option(c("-p", "--is_paired"), type="character", default=NULL,
help="are the reads paired-end? default = FALSE",

opt_parser <- OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
opt <- parse_args(opt_parser)

meta_f <- opt$metadata
ref_gene_f <- opt$ref_gene_f
gene_counts_f <- opt$gene_counts_f
ispaired <- if(opt$is_paired == "TRUE") TRUE else FALSE

## Read data
meta_tab <- read.table(meta_f, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
## columns: sample file1 file2 group rep_no paired

## cat the counts files
# system("cat *.counts > merged_counts.txt")

total_counts_list <- lapply(meta_tab$sample, function(x){
# total_counts <- read.table(paste0(x,".counts"), header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# total_counts$sample <- x
# colnames(total_counts) <- c("chr","chr_size","mapped","blank","sample")
# total_counts
mapped_count <- read.table(paste0(x,".counts"), header = FALSE)
colnames(mapped_count) <- "mapped"
mapped_count$sample <- x
merged_total_counts <-, total_counts_list))

## Read genome annotation
# ref_annot <- ape::read.gff(gff_f, na.strings = c(".", "?"), GFF3 = TRUE)

# ref_annot <- subset(ref_annot, type=="gene")

# gene_attr <- stringr::str_split(ref_annot$attributes,";")
# locus_tags <- unlist(lapply(gene_attr, function(x){x[grepl("locus_tag", x)]}))
# gene_biotypes <- unlist(lapply(gene_attr, function(x){x[grepl("gene_biotype", x)]}))
# common_gene_names <- unlist(lapply(gene_attr, function(x){
# x <- x[grepl("gene=", x)]
# x[identical(x, character(0))] <- ""
# x
# }))
# gene_lengths <- (ref_annot$end - ref_annot$start) + 1

# ref_gene_df <- data.frame(
# locus_tag = locus_tags,
# biotype = gene_biotypes,
# gene_name = common_gene_names,
# gene_length = gene_lengths
# )
# ref_gene_df$locus_tag <- gsub("locus_tag=","",ref_gene_df$locus_tag)
# ref_gene_df$biotype <- gsub("gene_biotype=","",ref_gene_df$biotype)
# ref_gene_df$gene_name <- gsub("gene=","",ref_gene_df$gene_name)

# write.table(
# ref_gene_df, "ref_gene_df.tsv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
# sep = "\t", quote = FALSE
# )

ref_gene_df <- read_tsv(ref_gene_f)

## Count reads mapping to genes
# bamfilesCount <- paste0(meta_tab$sample, ".bam")

# # 0 (unstranded), 1 (stranded) and 2 (reversely stranded)
# strand <- switch(as.character(strandedness),
# "unstranded" = 0,
# "forward" = 1,
# "reverse" = 2,
# stop("Invalid input")
# )

# gene_counts <- Rsubread::featureCounts(
# bamfilesCount, annot.ext = gff_f,
# isGTFAnnotationFile = TRUE,
# GTF.featureType = "gene",
# GTF.attrType = "locus_tag",
# nthreads = threads,
# countMultiMappingReads = TRUE,
# fraction = TRUE, ## assign fractional counts to multimappers
# isPairedEnd = ispaired,
# strandSpecific = strand
# )
# colnames(counts_mat) <- gsub(".bam", "", colnames(counts_mat))
# colnames(counts_mat) <- gsub("\\.","_",colnames(counts_mat))

# counts_mat <- counts_mat
# counts_mat <- tibble::rownames_to_column(, "feature_id")

# write.table(
# counts_mat, "gene_counts.tsv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
# sep = "\t", quote = FALSE
# )

# ## protein-coding genes only
# gene_counts_pc <- counts_mat[ref_gene_df$biotype=="protein_coding",]
# write.table(
# gene_counts_pc, "gene_counts_pc.tsv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
# sep = "\t", quote = FALSE
# )

gene_counts <- read_tsv(gene_counts_f)
counts_mat <-[,2:ncol(gene_counts)])
rownames(counts_mat) <- gene_counts$feature_id

## Plot library composition
## set up plots
brewer_pallette1 <- brewer.pal(9,"Set1")
brewer_pallette3 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")

gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
ggColsDefault <- (gg_color_hue(4))
ggCols <- brewer_pallette1[c(1,3,4,5,2,7,8)]

## summarise counts per sample

all_biotypes <- unique(ref_gene_df$biotype)

biotype_counts <- data.frame(,
lapply(all_biotypes, function(biotype){
colnames(biotype_counts) <- all_biotypes

counts_summary <- data.frame(
sample = meta_tab$"sample",
group = meta_tab$"group",
rep = meta_tab$"rep_no"#,
# protein_coding = colSums(
# counts_mat[ref_gene_df$biotype=="protein_coding",]),
# tRNA = colSums(
# counts_mat[ref_gene_df$biotype=="tRNA",]),
# rRNA = colSums(
# counts_mat[ref_gene_df$biotype=="rRNA",])

counts_summary <- cbind(counts_summary,biotype_counts)

## add total mapped counts
counts_summary <- merge(counts_summary,merged_total_counts, by = "sample")
# counts_summary$other <- counts_summary$mapped-counts_summary$rRNA

counts_summary$antisense_other <- counts_summary$mapped - rowSums(biotype_counts)#(
#counts_summary$rRNA + counts_summary$protein_coding)

counts_summary, "counts_summary.tsv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE

biotype_counts, "biotype_counts.tsv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE

counts_summary <- counts_summary[rev(order(counts_summary$sample)),]

cc1 <- 12

all_biotypes <- c(all_biotypes, "antisense_other")
non_rRNA_btypes <- all_biotypes[!all_biotypes=="rRNA"]

## raw counts plot
counts_melt <- reshape2::melt(
counts_summary, id.vars = c("sample"),
measure.vars = c(
# "protein_coding",
# "antisense_other",
# "rRNA"
counts_melt$sample <- factor(
counts_melt$sample, levels = rev(unique(sort(counts_melt$sample)))
counts_melt$variable <- factor(counts_melt$variable, levels=c(
# "antisense_other",
# "protein_coding"
# minUsable <- min(mergedDf$q15_dedup_reads)

ylabel <- ifelse(isTRUE(ispaired), "Million read pairs", "Million reads")

p1 <- ggplot(counts_melt,
aes(x = sample, colour = variable, fill = variable, y = value)
) +
geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity", width = 0.7) +
coord_flip() +
xlab("Sample") + ylab(ylabel) +
values = ggCols,
guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)
) +
scale_colour_manual(values = ggCols, guide = FALSE) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = "", scale = 1e-6)) +
## add a dashed line at the min usable number of reads
# geom_hline(yintercept = 5e6, linetype="dashed") +
theme_bw(base_size = cc1*1.3) +
legend.position = "top",
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")

nsamps <- ncol(counts_mat)

p1, file = paste0('library_composition.png'),
device = "png",
width = 8, height = (nsamps/2.2),
dpi = 300

## proportions plot
## get the proportions of reads per library
# propCols <- (mergedDf[,c(3,13,14,5)] / mergedDf[,2])

propCols <- counts_summary[c(
# "protein_coding",
# "antisense_other",
# "rRNA"
)] / counts_summary$mapped

propCols$sample <- counts_summary$sample

# rowSums(propCols) ## each row should sum to 1
prop_melt <- melt(
propCols, id.vars = c("sample"),
measure.vars = c(
# "protein_coding",
# "antisense_other",
# "rRNA"
prop_melt$sample <- factor(
prop_melt$sample, levels = rev(unique(sort(prop_melt$sample)))
prop_melt$variable <- factor(prop_melt$variable, levels=c(
# "antisense_other",
# "protein_coding"

p2 <- ggplot(prop_melt,
aes(x = sample, colour = variable, fill = variable, y = value)
) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.7) +
coord_flip() +
xlab("Sample") + ylab("Proportion of reads") +
values = ggCols,
guide = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)
) +
scale_colour_manual(values = ggCols, guide = FALSE) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
theme_bw(base_size = cc1*1.3) +
axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")

p2, file = 'library_composition_proportions.png',
device = "png",
width = 8, height = (nsamps/2.2),
dpi = 300

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