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tweak test infrastructure
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maxscheurer committed Dec 14, 2021
1 parent 92e7535 commit df675fa
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Showing 4 changed files with 66 additions and 39 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions adcc/gradients/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ def __init__(self, spaces):
self.mospaces = spaces.mospaces
self.mospaces = spaces
# if self.mospaces.has_core_occupied_space:
# raise NotImplementedError("TPDM not implemented for CVS.")
# Set reference_state if possible
if isinstance(spaces, libadcc.ReferenceState):
self.reference_state = spaces
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion adcc/gradients/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def ampl_relaxed_dms_cvs_adc1(exci): = - 1.0 * einsum("Ia,Ja->IJ",,
g1a.vv = + 1.0 * einsum("Ia,Ib->ab",,

# Pre-requisites for the OC block of the
# Prerequisites for the OC block of the
# orbital response Lagrange multipliers:
fc = hf.fock(
fo = hf.fock(b.oo).diagonal()
Expand Down
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions adcc/gradients/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
import itertools

import adcc
import adcc.backends

Expand All @@ -36,9 +37,11 @@

backends = [b for b in adcc.backends.available()
if b not in ["molsturm", "veloxchem"]]
molecules = ["h2o"]
basissets = ["sto3g", "ccpvdz"]
methods = ["mp2", "adc1", "adc2"]

molecules = gradient_data["molecules"]
basissets = gradient_data["basissets"]
methods = gradient_data["methods"]

combinations = list(itertools.product(molecules, basissets, methods, backends))

Expand All @@ -50,19 +53,19 @@ def template_nuclear_gradient(self, molecule, basis, method, backend):

energy_ref = grad_ref["energy"]
grad_fdiff = grad_ref["gradient"]

kwargs = grad_ref["config"]

scfres = cached_backend_hf(backend, molecule, basis, conv_tol=1e-13)
if "adc" in method:
# TODO: convergence needs to be very very tight...
# so we want to make sure all vectors are tightly converged
n_limit = 5
state = adcc.run_adc(scfres, method=method,
n_singlets=10, conv_tol=1e-11)
for ee in state.excitations[:n_limit]:
state = adcc.run_adc(scfres, method=method, **kwargs)
for i, ee in enumerate(state.excitations):
grad = adcc.nuclear_gradient(ee)
assert_allclose(energy_ref[ee.index], ee.total_energy, atol=1e-10)
grad_fdiff[ee.index], grad["Total"], atol=1e-7
grad_fdiff[ee.index], grad["Total"], atol=1e-7, err_msg=f'State {i} wrong.'
# MP2 gradients
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82 changes: 54 additions & 28 deletions adcc/testdata/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
## along with adcc. If not, see <>.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
from collections import namedtuple
import itertools
import adcc
import numpy as np
Expand All @@ -31,8 +32,10 @@
from static_data import xyz

prefactors_5p = np.array([1.0, -8.0, 8.0, -1.0]) / 12.0
multipliers_5p = [-2, -1, 1, 2]
# prefactors_5p = np.array([1.0, -8.0, 8.0, -1.0]) / 12.0
# multipliers_5p = [-2, -1, 1, 2]
prefactors_9p = [1./280., -4./105., 1./5., -4./5., 4./5., -1./5., 4./105., -1./280.]
multipliers_9p = [-4., -3., -2., -1., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
coords_label = ["x", "y", "z"]

Expand All @@ -47,46 +50,47 @@ def _molstring(elems, coords):

def adc_energy(scfres, method, **kwargs):
state = adcc.run_adc(method=method, data_or_matrix=scfres,
output=None, **kwargs)
return state.total_energy

def mp_energy(scfres, method, **kwargs):
level = {
"mp2": 2,
"mp3": 3,
level = method[-1]
refstate = adcc.ReferenceState(scfres)
return adcc.LazyMp(refstate).energy(level[method])
return adcc.LazyMp(refstate).energy(level)

def fdiff_gradient(molstring, method, basis, step=1e-4, **kwargs):
m = gto.M(atom=molstring, unit='Bohr', basis=basis)
def fdiff_gradient(molecule, method, basis, step=1e-4, **kwargs):
molstring = xyz[]
m = gto.M(atom=molstring, unit='Bohr', basis=basis,
spin=molecule.multiplicity - 1, charge=molecule.charge)
coords = m.atom_coords().copy()
elements = m.elements.copy()

n_grads = kwargs.get("n_singlets", 1)
conv_tol = kwargs.get("conv_tol", 1e-10) / 10
conv_tol = kwargs.get("conv_tol", 1e-10) / 100

# run unperturbed system
scfres = adcc.backends.run_hf(
'pyscf', molstring, basis, conv_tol=conv_tol, conv_tol_grad=conv_tol
'pyscf', molstring, basis, conv_tol=conv_tol, conv_tol_grad=conv_tol,
charge=molecule.charge, multiplicity=molecule.multiplicity
if "adc" in method:
en = adc_energy(scfres, method, **kwargs)
en = mp_energy(scfres, method, **kwargs)

natoms = len(elements)
grad = np.zeros((n_grads, natoms, 3))
grad = np.zeros((len(en), natoms, 3))
at_c = list(itertools.product(range(natoms), range(3)))
for i, c in tqdm(at_c):
for f, p in zip(multipliers_5p, prefactors_5p):
for f, p in zip(multipliers_9p, prefactors_9p):
coords_p = coords.copy()
coords_p[i, c] += f * step
geom_p = _molstring(elements, coords_p)
scfres = adcc.backends.run_hf(
'pyscf', geom_p, basis, conv_tol=conv_tol, conv_tol_grad=conv_tol
'pyscf', geom_p, basis, conv_tol=conv_tol, conv_tol_grad=conv_tol,
charge=molecule.charge, multiplicity=molecule.multiplicity
if "adc" in method:
en_pert = adc_energy(scfres, method, **kwargs)
Expand All @@ -97,38 +101,60 @@ def fdiff_gradient(molstring, method, basis, step=1e-4, **kwargs):

def main():
config_excited = {
"n_singlets": 5,
basissets = [
methods = [
# "mp2",
# "adc0",
# "adc2",
# "cvs-adc0",
# "cvs-adc1",
# "cvs-adc2",
# "cvs-adc2x",
Molecule = namedtuple("Molecule", ["name", "charge", "multiplicity"])
molecules = [
# Molecule("h2o", 0, 1),
# "h2s",
Molecule("cn", 0, 2),
# "ch2nh2",
# "hf",
# "formaldehyde"
molecules = ["h2o", "hf", "formaldehyde"]
ret = {}
ret = {
"basissets": basissets,
"methods": methods,
"molecules": molecules,
config_excited = {"n_states": 3}
for molecule in molecules:
ret[molecule] = {}
ret[] = {}
for basis in basissets:
ret[molecule][basis] = {}
ret[][basis] = {}
for method in methods:
kwargs = {
"conv_tol": 1e-8,
"conv_tol": 1e-10,
if "adc" in method:
basename = f"{molecule}_{basis}_{method}"
basename = f"{}_{basis}_{method}"
print(f"Evaluating finite difference gradient for {basename}.")
en, grad = fdiff_gradient(xyz[molecule], method, basis, **kwargs)

core_orbitals = None
if "cvs" in method:
core_orbitals = 1
kwargs["core_orbitals"] = core_orbitals
en, grad = fdiff_gradient(molecule, method, basis, **kwargs)
if isinstance(en, np.ndarray):
en = en.tolist()
cont = {
"energy": en,
"gradient": np.squeeze(grad).tolist(),
"config": kwargs,
ret[molecule][basis][method] = cont
with open("grad_dump.yml", "w") as yamlout:
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