Welcome to iHelp, the ultimate platform for connecting with tech communities from all over the world!
Our mission is to help you discover and engage with the top communities in your field of interest, whether it's open-source development, front-end technologies like React and Next.js, or back-end frameworks like Express.js.
With TechBubble, you can easily browse and join communities, participate in discussions and events, and collaborate on projects with like-minded individuals. Our platform is built on the latest technologies, including Vercel, ensuring a fast and seamless user experience.
Our features include:
Community directory: Discover and join communities based on your interests and skills
Event calendar: Stay up-to-date on the latest events and meetups happening in the tech world
Collaboration tools: Work on projects and contribute to open-source initiatives with other members of the community
Discussion forum: Engage in conversations and learn from experienced professionals in the field
So whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, TechBubble is the perfect place to connect, learn, and grow in the tech industry. Join us now at tech-bubble.vercel.app and start building your network today!
In addition to browsing and joining communities on TechBubble, you can also contribute to the development of the platform as it is an open-source project.
To get started, you can fork the repository from our GitHub page and clone it to your local machine. Then, you can install the necessary dependencies by running
npm install
To run the application locally, you can use the following command:
npm run dev
This will start a development server and you can access the webapp on http://localhost:3000
You can then make changes and submit pull requests to the main repository for review. Your contributions will help make TechBubble an even better resource for connecting with tech communities.
Thank you for considering contributing to TechBubble, we appreciate your support.