Implementation of OS lab experiments on Linux platform using C++/C language.
- Process: System calls related to process management and process synchronization.
- Thread: System calls related to thread.
- Priority Scheduling: Simulating priority CPU scheduling algorithm.
- CPU Scheduling Algorithms: Simulating FCFS, SJF and Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithms.
- Multi-level Queue Scheduling Algorithm: Simulation of multi-level queue scheduling algorithm, consedering system process are to be given higher priority than user processes.
- Dining-Philosophers: Simulation for Dining-Philosophers problem.
- Pipelining and Shared memory: Implementation of the Pipelining and Shared memory concept.
- Share Reader: Simulation of shared reader.
- Share Writer: Simulation of shared writer.
- MVT: Simulation of MVT.
- MFT: Simulation of MFT.
In the project I have implemented various page replacement algorithm like Optimal Page Replacement algorithm, Least recent used (LRU) page replacement algorithm and First in first out.
Here is the link to the project.