Releases: adobe/phased-testing
Releases · adobe/phased-testing
- Non-Interrupted Events
- #112 Technical : Extracted the execution properties to the class ConfigValueHandler.
- #115 Fixed bug where the Non-Phased execution was stored as SINGLE-RUN. You can still keep the old behaviour by passing the property "PHASED.TESTS.NONPHASED.LEGACY" to "true". However by default they are stored as "phased-default".
- #114 Technical : The methods PhasedTestManager.isPhasedTestShuffledMode & PhasedTestManager.isPhasedTestSingleMode no longer take into account the current phase. Instead, they simply return the information about wether or not the given method/class is Shuffled or Single Mode.
- Implementation of execution order detection base on the code. We now have two options:
- We continue as before, where we select the order alphabetically.
- Whenever the system property, PHASED.TESTS.DETECT.ORDER is set, the steps are executed in the order the way we declared in the code. By default, we expect the coe to be in maven where the tests are in the directory src/test/java. However, this can be overriden by setting the eecution property PHASED.TESTS.CODE.ROOT (#5)
- #116 We are now removing the explicite "SingleRun" mode.
- All Phased Tests without a @PhaseEvent anotation next to a step are now considered as "Shuffled".
- Any Phased Test with a @PhaseEvent annotation is a Singe Run test.
- We have now deprecated the @PhasedTest "canShuffle" attribute.
- Upgraded to TestNG 7.5
- Resolved case of Skip due to config issues, such as a failure in a BeforePhase method (#41)
- We no longer throw SkipExceptions in the OnStartTest. Instead, we set the status to Skipped (#42)
- Consumer results can now contain the results of the PRODUCER phase (#34)
- Storing duration and the phase in the scenario state (#36)
- Updated Log4J to 2.17.1 to resolve security issues (#38)
- Implemented the new select tests to run based on the producer phase (#9)
- Solved case when the users really wants to use retry. In this case we do not interrupt the retry mechanism.
- Moved back to java 8. We now compile the artefacts in java 8. This is because our main users are not yet in higher java versions.
- Removed the deprecated methods
This is the first public release of the Phased Testing TestNG library
What's Changed
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