A classic Tic Tac Toe game in C++ allowing players to compete against an AI.
Game Mechanics: This project implements a classic Tic Tac Toe game where players can compete against an AI opponent. The game board is represented as a 3x3 grid, allowing players to take turns placing their marks (X or O) in empty spots while aiming to connect three of their marks in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
AI Implementation: The AI opponent utilizes the Minimax algorithm to determine the best possible moves, evaluating potential outcomes of each play to ensure optimal performance. This allows the AI to either win or force a draw against the human player, providing a challenging and engaging gameplay experience.
User Interface and Experience: The game features a simple console-based interface that prompts players for their moves, validates input, and displays the current state of the game board after each turn. It incorporates checks for win conditions and tie scenarios, enhancing the overall gameplay by providing immediate feedback and clear win/loss messages.