GHAS Audit gh-ghas-audit
is a GitHub CLI extension that audits your GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) code scanning setup for one or more organizations and repositories. It checks if the default code scanning configuration is enabled and lists the languages detected in your repositories.
GHAS Audit helps you:
- Verify if code scanning with Default setup is properly enabled on your repositories.
- Get a summary of the languages used in each repository.
- Identify which languages may not be configured with default code scanning.
- Export the audit results either as a formatted table in the terminal or as a CSV file.
- Initialization: The tool connects to GitHub via the gh CLI API.
- Data Gathering: It fetches the list of repositories for a given organization (or a single repository if specified) and retrieves:
- Language breakdown using the GitHub repository languages API endpoint.
- Default setup configuration using GitHub's code scanning default setup API endpoints.
- Processing: Each repository is processed to determine if code scanning is enabled, the list of normalized languages detected, and any languages not configured.
- Reporting: The results are compiled into a report:
- Terminal Output: Displays a formatted table.
- CSV Output: Exports results to a specified CSV file.
- GitHub CLI (gh): Install from GitHub CLI.
- gh Extension Support: Ensure your gh CLI version supports extensions.
- GHAS enabled on your organization or repository.
You can install the extension directly from the repository:
gh extension install advanced-security/gh-ghas-audit
Clone the repository, build the tool, and install locally:
git clone
cd gh-ghas-audit
go mod download
go build -o gh-ghas-audit .
gh extension install .
Run the ghas-audit command using the gh CLI.
gh ghas-audit code-scanning --help
Audit your code scanning setup
gh-ghas-audit code-scanning [flags]
-h, --help help for code-scanning
Global Flags:
--csv-output string File path to output CSV report
-o, --organizations string Comma separated list of organizations to audit
-r, --repository string Single repository to audit
gh ghas-audit code-scanning -o my-org
gh ghas-audit code-scanning -o my-org --csv-output audit-report.csv
$ gh ghas-audit code-scanning -o my-demo-org
Starting audit...
Processing organization: my-demo-org
Found 3 repositories in my-demo-org
- Processing repository: repo-alpha [1/3]
- Processing repository: repo-beta [2/3]
- Processing repository: repo-gamma [3/3]
Finished processing organization: my-demo-org
Organization Repository Default setup enabled? Languages in repo Default setup configured Not configured (supported languages)
my-demo-org repo-alpha Enabled go, javascript-typescript go, javascript-typescript -
my-demo-org repo-beta Disabled python - python
my-demo-org repo-gamma GHAS is not enabled Unknown Unknown Unknown
Audit complete!
$ gh ghas-audit code-scanning -o my-demo-org --csv-output audit-report.csv
Starting audit...
CSV output enabled. Writing to audit-report.csv
Processing organization: my-demo-org
Found 3 repositories in my-demo-org
- Processing repository: repo-alpha [1/3]
- Processing repository: repo-beta [2/3]
- Processing repository: repo-gamma [3/3]
Finished processing organization: my-demo-org
Audit complete!
The CSV file audit-report.csv will contain:
Organization,Repository,Default setup enabled?,Languages in repo,Default setup configured,Not configured (supported languages)
my-demo-org,repo-alpha,Enabled,go, javascript-typescript,go, javascript-typescript,-
my-demo-org,repo-gamma,GHAS is not enabled,Unknown,Unknown,Unknown
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to MIT for the full terms.
- @rvermeulen - Original Author
- @theztefan - Core Maintainer
Please create GitHub Issues if there are bugs or feature requests.