LiDAR camera extrinsic parameter initialization calibration This is a motion-based coarse calibration method for LiDAR-camera extrinsic parameters, with input being a monocular visual odometry and a LiDAR-only odometry.
git clone
cd LCC_motion && catkin_make
Enter the following folders to modify "LIDAR_ODOM" and "Camera_odom" parameters
cd LCC_motion/src/LCC_motion/launch/livox_avia.launch
test data (rosbag) Baidu Cloud Disk
roslaunch lcc_motion livox_avia.launch
cd LCC_motion/src/LCC_motion/ressults
It is recommended to use "Hand-Eye Calibration (only Rotation Based Vins-Mono)"
This GitHub library is a supplement to SPTG-LCC. For detailed high-precision calibration, see SPTG-LCC SPTG-LCC
- We sincerely appreciate the following open-source projects: I2EKF-LO , orb_slam3_ros, VINS-Mono, Spatial-Temporal-LiDAR-camera-Calibration,SPTG-LCC.