Akdeniz Pharmaceutical Warehouse (APW) is a software solution designed to optimize inventory management for pharmacies and a central pharmaceutical warehouse. It enables efficient stock tracking, automated alerts, and streamlined communication between pharmacies and the warehouse.
- Add Product: Add new medications to the inventory.
- Update Stock: Modify stock levels for existing medications.
- List Products: Display all medications with details such as stock levels and expiration dates.
- Remove Product: Remove discontinued or unused medications.
- Stock by Category: Organize and view medications by categories.
- Stock by Product: Search for and view details of specific medications.
- Expiring Products: Highlight medications nearing expiration.
- Check Stock: View up-to-date stock levels.
- Order Product: Place restocking orders directly to the warehouse.
- Track Product: Monitor the status of ordered medications.
Singleton Pattern:
- Maintains a single instance for critical components like the inventory database.
- Prevents duplicate data and ensures consistency across the system.
Composite Pattern:
- Organizes medications into hierarchical categories (e.g., "Antibiotics," "Pain Relievers").
- Simplifies inventory navigation and management.
Observer Pattern:
- Ensures real-time notifications for stock changes.
- Keeps pharmacies and the warehouse synchronized on stock levels.
The APW system architecture is defined with a robust UML design, showcasing:
- Interfaces: Observable, Observer, ProductComponent.
- Key Classes: InventoryManager, PharmacyObserver, StockAlertObserver, Product, InventoryComposite.
Below is the UML diagram representing the architecture of APW:
- Efficiency: Automated processes reduce manual work for pharmacies.
- Customer Satisfaction: Ensures essential medications are always in stock.
- Cost Savings: Avoids stockouts and emergency delivery costs.
- Warehouse: eczadeposu123
- Pharmacy: akdeniz123
- Emirhan Duman
- İsmail Babacan
- Ahmet Faruk Tekeli