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mzeuner committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 2e19a72 commit 9f02434
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 70 deletions.
108 changes: 38 additions & 70 deletions Cubical/Categories/Instances/ZFunctors.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -478,19 +478,6 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄
private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd

record AffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
n :
U : FinVec (CompactOpen X) n
covers : ⋁ U ≡ 1l -- TODO: equivalent to X ≡ ⟦ ⋁ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
isAffineU : i isAffineCompactOpen (U i)

hasAffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
hasAffineCover = ∥ AffineCover ∥₁

-- the structure sheaf
private COᵒᵖ = (DistLatticeCategory (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)) ^op

compOpenGlobalIncl : (U : CompactOpen X) ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ ⇒ X
N-ob (compOpenGlobalIncl U) A = fst
N-hom (compOpenGlobalIncl U) φ = refl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,23 +540,35 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
compOpenInclSeq _ _ = makeNatTransPath
(funExt₂ (λ _ _ Σ≡Prop (λ _ squash/ _ _) refl))

-- the structure sheaf
private COᵒᵖ = (DistLatticeCategory (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)) ^op

strDLSh : Functor COᵒᵖ (CommRingsCategory {ℓ = ℓ-suc ℓ})
F-ob strDLSh U = 𝓞 .F-ob ⟦ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
F-hom strDLSh U≥V = 𝓞 .F-hom (compOpenIncl U≥V)
F-id strDLSh = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) compOpenInclId ∙ 𝓞 .F-id
F-seq strDLSh _ _ = cong (𝓞 .F-hom) (compOpenInclSeq _ _) ∙ 𝓞 .F-seq _ _

-- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
open AffineCover
private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ A ⟆ ⟆) .snd

singlAffineCover : AffineCover (Sp .F-ob A)
n singlAffineCover = 1
U singlAffineCover zero = 1l
covers singlAffineCover = ∨lRid _
isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , compOpenTopNatIso (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁
-- def. affine cover and locality for definition of qcqs-scheme
module _ (X : ℤFunctor) where
open isIsoC
open Join (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)
open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X)))
open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_)
open LatticeTheory ⦃...⦄
private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice .F-ob X) .snd

record AffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
n :
U : FinVec (CompactOpen X) n
covers : ⋁ U ≡ 1l -- TODO: equivalent to X ≡ ⟦ ⋁ U ⟧ᶜᵒ
isAffineU : i isAffineCompactOpen (U i)

hasAffineCover : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
hasAffineCover = ∥ AffineCover ∥₁

-- qcqs-schemes as Zariski sheaves (local ℤ-functors) with an affine cover in the sense above
isLocal : ℤFunctor Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -641,10 +640,23 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} where
isQcQsScheme : ℤFunctor Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
isQcQsScheme X = isLocal X × hasAffineCover X

-- affine schemes are qcqs-schemes
isQcQsSchemeAffine : (A : CommRing ℓ) isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
fst (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A
snd (isQcQsSchemeAffine A) = ∣ singlAffineCover A ∣₁
module _ (A : CommRing ℓ) where
open AffineCover
private instance _ = (CompOpenDistLattice ⟅ Sp ⟅ A ⟆ ⟆) .snd

-- the canonical one element affine cover of a representable
singlAffineCover : AffineCover (Sp .F-ob A)
n singlAffineCover = 1
U singlAffineCover zero = 1l
covers singlAffineCover = ∨lRid _
isAffineU singlAffineCover zero = ∣ A , X≅⟦1⟧ (Sp ⟅ A ⟆) ∣₁

isQcQsSchemeAffine : isQcQsScheme (Sp .F-ob A)
fst isQcQsSchemeAffine = isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage A
snd isQcQsSchemeAffine = ∣ singlAffineCover ∣₁

-- standard affine opens
-- TODO: separate file?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -706,6 +718,7 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (f : R .fst) where
isAffineD = ∣ R[1/ f ]AsCommRing , SpR[1/f]≅⟦Df⟧ ∣₁

-- compact opens of affine schemes are qcqs-schemes
module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where

open Iso
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,48 +803,3 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (R : CommRing ℓ) (W : CompactOpen (Sp ⟅ R ⟆)) where
isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine : isQcQsScheme ⟦ W ⟧ᶜᵒ
fst isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = presLocalCompactOpen _ _ (isSubcanonicalZariskiCoverage R)
snd isQcQsSchemeCompOpenOfAffine = hasAffineCoverCompOpenOfAffine

-- 𝓛 separated presheaf:
-- For u w : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. i uᵢ=wᵢ in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = w
-- where u ↦ uᵢ for 𝓛 A → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]
-- Min: u : 𝓛 A and ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A s.t. i uᵢ=D1 in 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] then u = D1 in 𝓛 A
-- base case: u = Dg → have ∀ i → g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ, need 1 ∈ √⟨g⟩ (g ∈ Aˣ)
-- g/1 ∈ A[1/fᵢ]ˣ → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨g⟩ → 1=∑aᵢfᵢ ∈ √⟨g⟩
-- i.e. fᵢᵐ=aᵢg
-- choose m big enough s.t. it becomes independent of i
-- lemma ⟨f₀ᵐ,...,fₙᵐ⟩=A:
-- 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢᵐ = ∑ bᵢaᵢg = (∑ aᵢbᵢ)g

-- u = D(g₁,...,gₖ) → ⟨g₁/1 ,..., gₖ/1 ⟩ = A[1/fᵢ]
-- 0 = A[1/fᵢ]/⟨g₁/1,...,gₖ/1⟩ =???= A/⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩[1/[fᵢ]] → fᵢⁿ=0 mod ⟨g₁,...,gₙ⟩
-- 1/1 = ∑ aⱼ/fᵢⁿ gⱼ/1 → fᵢᵐ = ∑ aⱼgⱼ
-- use InvertingElementsBase.invElPropElimN to get uniform exponent
-- → fᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩ → 1 = ∑ bᵢfᵢ ∈ √ ⟨ g₁ ,..., gₖ ⟩

-- 𝓛 sheaf: ⟨f₀,...,fₙ⟩=A → 𝓛 A = lim (↓ Dfᵢ) = lim (𝓛 A[1/fᵢ])
-- ⋁uᵢ=⊤ in L → L = lim (↓ uᵢ) = Σ[ vᵢ ≤ uᵢ ] vᵢ ∧ uⱼ = vⱼ ∧ uᵢ
-- (↓ Dfᵢ) = 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ⇔ g ∈ √ ⟨fᵢ⟩ ⇔ fᵢ ∈ A[1/g]ˣ
-- ↓ Dfᵢ → 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ]: Dg ≤ Dfᵢ ↦ D(g/1)

-- 𝓛 A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ: D(g/fᵢⁿ) ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
-- support A[1/fᵢ] → ↓ Dfᵢ given by g/fᵢⁿ ↦ Dg ∧ Dfᵢ = D(gfᵢ)
-- support A → A[1/fᵢ] → L gives (↓ Dfᵢ) ↪ 𝓛 A → L lattice hom!
-- have _∧Dfᵢ : 𝓛 A ↓ Dfᵢ

-- U : CompactOpen X , isQcQsScheme X isQcQsScheme ⟦U⟧
-- X=⋁Uᵢ affine covering → isQcQsScheme U∧Uᵢ →(lemma)→ isQcQsScheme U=⋁(U∧Uᵢ)

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