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This branch is 7 commits ahead of robyoung/ansible-role-postgresql:master.

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fb7d581 · Dec 7, 2016


28 Commits
Dec 7, 2016
Sep 30, 2016
Sep 29, 2016
Dec 7, 2016
Oct 3, 2016
Nov 23, 2016
Sep 30, 2016
Sep 30, 2016
Dec 7, 2016

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Ansible Role: PostgreSQL

Build Status

Installs and configures PostgreSQL server on RHEL/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu servers.


No special requirements; note that this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global become: yes, or invoke the role in your playbook like:

- hosts: database
    - role: geerlingguy.postgresql
      become: yes

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

postgresql_enablerepo: ""

(RHEL/CentOS only) You can set a repo to use for the PostgreSQL installation by passing it in here.

postgresql_user: postgres
postgresql_group: postgres

The user and group under which PostgreSQL will run.

  - /var/run/postgresql

The directories (usually one, but can be multiple) where PostgreSQL's socket will be created.

  - option: unix_socket_directories
    value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}'

Global configuration options that will be set in postgresql.conf. Note that for RHEL/CentOS 6 (or very old versions of PostgreSQL), you need to at least override this variable and set the option to unix_socket_directory.

  - type: host # required; local, host, hostssl or hostnossl
    database: exampledb # required
    user: jdoe # required
    address: # either this or ip_address / ip_mask are required unless type is 'local'
    ip_address: # alternative to 'address'
    ip_mask: # alternative to 'address'
    auth_method: # required
    auth_options: # optional

Configure host based authentication entries to be set in the pg_hba.conf.

  - 'en_US.UTF-8'

(Debian/Ubuntu only) Used to generate the locales used by PostgreSQL databases.

  - name: exampledb # required; the rest are optional
    lc_collate: # defaults to 'en_US.UTF-8'
    lc_ctype: # defaults to 'en_US.UTF-8'
    encoding: # defaults to 'UTF-8'
    template: # defaults to 'template0'
    login_host: # defaults to 'localhost'
    login_password: # defaults to not set
    login_user: # defaults to 'postgresql_user'
    login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgresql_unix_socket_directories
    port: # defaults to not set
    state: # defaults to 'present'

A list of databases to ensure exist on the server. Only the name is required; all other properties are optional.

  - name: jdoe #required; the rest are optional
    password: # defaults to not set
    priv: # defaults to not set
    role_attr_flags: # defaults to not set
    db: # defaults to not set
    login_host: # defaults to 'localhost'
    login_password: # defaults to not set
    login_user: # defaults to '{{ postgresql_user }}'
    login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgresql_unix_socket_directories
    port: # defaults to not set
    state: # defaults to 'present'

A list of users to ensure exist on the server. Only the name is required; all other properties are optional.

  - db: exampledb # required
    roles: jdoe # required
    type: # defaults to 'table'
    grant_option: # defaults to not set
    login_host: # defaults to 'localhost'
    login_password: # defaults to not set
    login_user: # defaults to '{{ postgresql_user }}'
    login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgresql_unix_socket_directories
    objs: # defaults to not set
    port: # defaults to not set
    privs: # defaults to not set
    schema: # defaults to not set
    state: # defaults to 'present'

A list of access privileges to ensure exist on the server. Only db and roles are required; all other properties are optional.

postgresql_version: [OS-specific]
postgresql_data_dir: [OS-specific]
postgresql_bin_path: [OS-specific]
postgresql_config_path: [OS-specific]
postgresql_daemon: [OS-specific]
postgresql_packages: [OS-specific]

OS-specific variables that are set by include files in this role's vars directory. These shouldn't be overridden unless you're using a verison of PostgreSQL that wasn't installed using system packages.



Example Playbook

- hosts: database
  become: yes
    - vars/main.yml
    - geerlingguy.postgresql

Inside vars/main.yml:

  - name: example_db
  - name: example_user
    password: supersecure



Author Information

This role was created in 2016 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.