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Kichou (Kichō - 貴重): means Precious or Valuable in Japanese, is an NFT Marketplace project, that aims to create the Marketplace of Wonders.


The front-end of Kichō is built using Next.JS and aims to provide one of the best user experienecs when it comes to NFT marketplaces.

Tanstack Query/React Query

Tanstack Query is a data management module, that allows for Data-Prefetching,Caching,and Invalidating Data . This means that Kichō start fetching data that the user needs before they are even at the screen that needs the data.

An example of that would be that the Collection List is fetched from the smart contract when the user is in the landing page, meaning once the user opens the Marketplace, they already see the collections loading. Another significant prefetch, is the fetching of All NFTs in a collection when the collection is first loaded, this helps reduce the time that the user has to wait.

All data that is Prefetched or Fetched in time is cached automatically using Tanstack Query, meaning as long as a user does not refresh the page they will not see a loading spinner.

Well, what happens if the data gets old? we don't want the user to see old data. Tanstack Query takes care of that too, it automatically refetches data after a certain period of time, and after every significant action, data is invalidated by the front-end, and new data is fetched.

Too much data?

One issue that can arise from this, is since we are prefetching and caching so much data, it can slow down the user's network and make the app slow.

Since data is only fetched on render of components (Collection/NFT), we could prevent that by only rendering elements that are visible on the screen, in turn fetching only needed data.

Basically, instead of rendering 1000 collections at once, we can only render the 10 collections visible on screen and only fetch their data. And this can be done with Tanstack Virtual

Tech Used

The front-end is build on NextJS as previously mentioned. For styling TailwindCSS is used, when it comes to global state management Jotail is used.

RainbowKit is used to handle wallet connection, in tandom with Ethers to interact with the smart contract.

Web3 Storage is used to upload and index NFT metadata onto IPFS.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

# Infura API key for Alchemy Fuji

# Infura Alchemy Fuji RPC url

# Web3 Storage API key

Smart Contracts

If you want to use your own deployed smart contrants you should change the addresses in src/const/contracts/contractInfo.ts


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd kichou/nextjs

Install dependencies

  npm install


  yarn instal

Start the server

  npm run dev


  yarn dev

Folder Structure



   ├─ .eslintrc.json

   ├─ .gitignore

   ├─ .vscode

   │  └─ settings.json

   ├─ next.config.js

   ├─ package.json

   ├─ postcss.config.js

   ├─ public

   │  ├─ 404.png

   │  ├─ avalanche-logo.svg

   │  ├─ empty-collection.png

   │  ├─ empty.png

   │  ├─ favicon-light.ico

   │  ├─ favicon.ico

   │  ├─ hero 1.png

   │  ├─ hero.svg

   │  ├─ images

   │  │  ├─ favicon-dark.ico

   │  │  └─ favicon-light.ico

   │  ├─ logo.svg

   │  └─ polygon-logo.svg

   ├─ src

   │  ├─ components

   │  │  ├─ collection.tsx

   │  │  ├─ create-collection-modal.tsx

   │  │  ├─ navbar.tsx

   │  │  ├─ nft.tsx

   │  │  └─ offers-modal.tsx

   │  ├─ const

   │  │  └─ contracts

   │  │     ├─ MarketItem.json

   │  │     ├─ MarketItemFactory.json

   │  │     └─ contractInfo.ts

   │  ├─ hooks

   │  │  ├─ collection.ts

   │  │  ├─ nft.ts

   │  │  └─ useSystemTheme.ts

   │  ├─ pages

   │  │  ├─ 404.tsx

   │  │  ├─ [user]

   │  │  │  └─ index.tsx

   │  │  ├─ _app.tsx

   │  │  ├─ api

   │  │  │  └─ hello.ts

   │  │  ├─ collection

   │  │  │  └─ [id]

   │  │  │     ├─ [nftid]

   │  │  │     │  └─ index.tsx

   │  │  │     ├─ index.tsx

   │  │  │     └─ mint-nft.tsx

   │  │  ├─ index.tsx

   │  │  └─ marketplace.tsx

   │  ├─ styles

   │  │  ├─ Home.sass

   │  │  └─ globals.css

   │  └─ utils

   │     ├─ file-uploader.tsx

   │     └─ global-state.ts

   ├─ tailwind.config.js

   ├─ tsconfig.json

   ├─ turbo.json

   └─ yarn.lock

Smart Contracts

Kichō is made out of two smart contracts, MarketItem which is an ERC721 contract extension in order to create collections and mint NFTs.

As well as MarketPlace which is a custom smart contract that stores the data and functionality fo the market place.



Method used to mint a new NFT for the collection and setting token uri

Parameter Type Description
to address The address of the owner of the NFT
uri string The token URI of the NFT

Method used to get a specific NFT URI

Parameter Type Description
tokenId uint256 Returns the token URI of an NFT

Return NFT count in the collection



This function is used to create a new collection

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the collection
symbol string The symbol of the collection

This function is used to get all the collections created on the marketplace


This function is used to get all the collections created by a specific user

Parameter Type Description
owner address The address of the user

This function is used to get the owner of a specific collection

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the collection

This function is used to get the number of collections created on the marketplace


his function is used mint a new NFT in a collection, This can only be called by the owner of the collection

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the collection
to address The address of the recipient
tokenURI string The token URI of the NFT, this is the metadata of the NFT (image, name, description, etc.)

This function is used to get all collections created by a specific user

Parameter Type Description
owner address The address of the user

This function is used to get the count of NFTs


This function that allows the user to put their NFT for sale

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT
price uint256 The price of the NFT

This function is used to remove an NFT from sale

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to make an offer for an NFT

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to withdraw an offer previously made by the user

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to accept an offer for an NFT,NFT owner needs to approve this contract to transfer the NFT before calling this function, otherwise the transaction will fail

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT
buyer address The address of the buyer

This function is used to reject an offer for an NFT

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT
buyer address The address of the buyer

This function is used to buy an NFT that is for sale , NFT owner needs to approve this contract to transfer the NFT before calling this function, otherwise the transaction will fail

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to check whether a user has made an offer on an NFT

Parameter Type Description
user address The address of the user
collection address The address of the user
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to get all the NFTs for a user

Parameter Type Description
owner address The address of the user

This function is used to get all the offers for an NFT

Parameter Type Description
collection address The address of the collection
tokenId uint256 The token id of the NFT

This function is used to withdraw the market place profit can be called only by the owner of the contract

Environment Variables

# Wallet Private Key

# Avalanche Snowtrace API key

Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd kichou/hardhat

Install dependencies

npm install




yarn install

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

hardhat test

To coverage tests, run the following command

hardhat coverage



To deploy this project run

hh run --network NETWORK scripts/deploy.ts
│  ├─ .gitignore
│  ├─
│  ├─ contracts
│  │  ├─ MarketItem.sol
│  │  └─ Marketplace.sol
│  ├─ hardhat.config.ts
│  ├─ package-lock.json
│  ├─ package.json
│  ├─ scripts
│  │  ├─ create-collection.ts
│  │  ├─ deploy.ts
│  │  └─ mint_nft.ts
│  ├─ test
│  │  ├─ MarketItem.ts
│  │  └─ MarketPlace.ts
│  ├─ tsconfig.json
│  ├─ yarn-error.log
│  └─ yarn.lock


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