In this project, you are going to implement a program that validates a password entered by a user.
The program should start by asking the user to enter a password with these criteria:
- Length must be between 9 and 12 characters
- At least 3 special characters
- At least 5 alphabetic characters
You may then use a loop to check password characters one at a time.
The special characters for this project are: &, #, $, !, ?, ", (, )
- It may be helpful to initialize counter variables outside the loop to count different types of characters you need.
- A success message should display if all conditions are met.
- The program should exit when it encounters the first failed condition. Print a message explaining the condition that was not met.
- Define your constants at the beginning of the program, so you can use them later on without changing every occurrence within the script.
Failed Validation:
Successful Validation:
Check the file called
, and start writing your code there.
Add the condition where the password needs to have at least 3 numbers.