Remember, not every application and configuration on this list you needed, this is my requirement for developing apps. if you like used same apps and configuration you're welcome to use that.
Becuase im using ZSH, i must put enviroment in : ~/.zshenv or if you using default terminal, edit with this : ~/.bashprofile
As default we get terminal from OS but the default terminal is not good enoguh. Sometime you need 3rd terminal application on different OS like Linux or OSX. this is my list for linux and OSX:
need manupulate terminal with this app as default with terminal or your 3rd terminal application? tmux is my solution so far. I enjoyed using tmux to make pane to handle service with commandline, git and the other process i need.
And off course i need to add setting to get best performance, here is my configuration, not the best but is enough for me(of course i may update the configuration).
You need simple editor with rich configuration what you want? vim is the king. if using Unix vim is default installed. you can setting vim if you need.
Not my default editor, but the feature on this editor is cool, can use for many programming language and interaction with git too. sadly for dual programming language like html and laravel.blade not supported, so you must choose html first if you want edit the html script then switch to blade if you want to put blade script.
Are You Javascript fan?? if yes Nodejs is your friend, i'm used this because i need for developing something with React, express, and download cool tools with connected with js.
Because i'm programmer so i must write code? of course no, sometime I need aplication for create documentation, presentation and calculate some formula or method. this application is paid, but is worth to buy per-month and i get 1TB Onedrive cloud too.
Another my job is Design concept web or mobile, i'm fullstack so i need this application to work.
Because i used javascript and other technology web based. Google chorme is the best for debugging web and more tools is greate like POSTMAN to simulate WEB API.
communitaction relate with job, Slack is the best. You can add extension like git to know who is push on project, you can add jobdesc to in this applocation but for job desc i prefer Trello.
to handle and give job desc every user and check if the job is done you can use trello, because is the Best management and reporting project, say no more.
React native can develop 2 platform Android and iOS; but if you need to develop React native you stiil need Android SDK, sadly you still nedd this application becasue Android SDK include with Android Studio.