A simple free and open source app to count document pages from anywhere. Drag and drop any number of pdfs, docxs to the app to display the total amount of page.
Docx | Doc | Odt | ePub | DjVu | ||
Pdf Page Count | x | |||||
Homemade script | x | |||||
CountPages | x | x | x |
Free | GUI | FOSS | |
Pdf Page Count | x | x | x |
Homemade script | x | x | |
CountPages | x | x | x |
- Move to OOP
- Add .pdf Support
- Add gui
- Add .docx support
- Move to MVVM
You can help by reporting bugs, suggesting features, reviewing feature specifications or just by sharing your opinion.
Use GitHub Issues for all of that.
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch for your new feature.
- Write tests.
- Write code to make the tests pass.
- Submit a pull request.
All pull requests are welcome !
CountPages uses the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.