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OAuth Provider Configuration

Andre-John Mas edited this page Dec 12, 2021 · 1 revision

For a provider already provided by this vue-authenicate, you should only need to provide the clientId and redirectUri at minimum, with other properties as you see fit.

For clientId, use the value provided by your OAuth provider, when you configured it. For example, Google is done through their developer console.

For redirectUri, provide the URL the OAuth provider should redirect to after successful authentication. Also note, in many cases this needs to have been whitelisted on the OAuth provider side.

Using Discord as an example, here is an annotated provider configuration:

discord: {
  // the client id provided for you client, by your OAuth provider
  clientId: '0000000000',
  // where the oauth server should redirect to, after successfully authenticating
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080/account/linked-accounts', /
  // the name of the provider, in lower case, suitable for use as a property
  name: 'discord',
  // url appended to the baseUrl, when sending response base to your API server
  url: '/auth/discord',
  // the authorisation endpoint
  authorizationEndpoint: '',
  // which params are included in the URL
  requiredUrlParams: ['display', 'scope'],
  // what is being asked of the oauth provider in terms of extra
  // information, beyond id
  scope: ['email'],
  // separator between scopes, as expected by OAuth provider
  scopeDelimiter: ',',
  // indicate whether to be shown in a pop-up (appears to be ignored
  // and be pop-up always)
  display: 'popup',
  // indicates the oauth type to be used. Either 1.0 or 2.0
  oauthType: '2.0',
  // controls the size of the pop up window
  popupOptions: { width: 580, height: 700 }

You should double check the configuration for your provider for any specific details. For example, in some cases the scope field might be ignored and the scope is defined as part of the provider's OAuth configuration page.

Diving Under The Hood

To see the how the included OAuth providers are configured, take a look at src/options.js, in the providers block.

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